
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

16 UNAIR Students Join National Leadership Camp 2018

UNAIR NEWS – Talking about leadership, we will think about competent figure with other criteria that must be met. Not just being able to organize, an ideal leader can be a role model and reflect a noble attitude.

As a university that has spawned many prominent leaders in Indonesia, this time Universitas Airlangga became one of the selected campuses to allocate Leadership Home scholarship. Not only the provision of financial, scholarship recipients also get coaching and leadership program. One of them is through National Leasership Camp (NLC). A mandatory agenda held for recipients of Leadership Home scholarship.

NLC 2018 held in Jakarta on Friday-Tuesday July, 24-28,  in P4TK Bahasa, the event brought together hundreds of students from eleven leading state universities in Indonesia. University of Gadjah Mada (UI), University of Gadjah Mada (UGM), Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB), Sebelas Maret University (UNS), Mulawarman University (Unmul), Padjajaran University (Unpad), Hasanudin University (Unhas), University of North Sumatra (USU), Institute of Technology Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), and UNAIR.

The activity also involved participants of Leadership Home class 9, the committee of the 8th generation, several alumni, and organizational managers. This time UNAIR was represented by 16 students, 4 students from Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP), 2 students from Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), 1 Faculty of Law student (FH), 3 students from Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH), 2 students from Faculty of Public Health (FKM), 3 students from Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), and 1 student from Faculty of HUmanities (FIB).

The event was attended by prominent figures as speakers and motivators. For example, KPK Chairperson Agus Rahardjo; Director of BAZNAS Prof. Bambang Sudibyo; and DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan and his deputy, Sandiaga Uno.

It is a valuable opportunity for participants to meet face to face with the country’s great people to share their insights and knowledge. Instilling values ​​of leadership is important as the younger generation will be the nation’s steering wheel.

“A lot of experiences gained, from meeting great speakers, colleagues and gaining leadership values, ” said Aldi Dzuhriansyah, one of the participants from UNAIR Political Science Program.

Going through a series of coaching activities for five consecutive days did not necessarily make his spirit receded. Aldi actually felt very happy to be one of those as part of Leadership Home. He did not forget, he expressed his joy for the success of his group getting two appreciations.

“I am motivated even more to be better,” he said excitedly.

In addition to motivational sessions and talk shows, there were also contemporary Islamic studies, batch challenges, and performance competition. Finally, the event was closed with the awarding session for the participants. (*)

Author: Zanna Afia Deswari

Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i