Universitas Airlangga Official Website

2020/2021 lecture-discussion through “NGOPI with CIKA”

UNAIR NEWS – In a few days, the new semester 2020/2021 will be held. Lecturers are busy looking for the best in compiling the lecture system. Students wonder how the policy decisions about lectures at the beginning of the new school year. What lecture system policy will be implemented. B-PHA UNAIR, Hima Kesmas Banyuwangi Public Health Association (B-PHA), Banyuwangi PSDKU Public Health student association answered through “NGOPI with CIKA.

Discussion with Academies or known as NGOPI with CIKA is a socialization event of the odd semester 2020/2021 and online lecture evaluation. The activity was carried out successfully on Wednesday, September 02, through Zoom application. Activities with the source of the Banyuwangi Public Health KPS (Kesmas) and the Quality Assurance Unit (SPM) resulted in several things that can be summarized as follows:

Execution Model

Implementation of lectures can be done online, offline, or blended. However, Banyuwangi Public Health Study Program prioritizes online implementation. “Because the virus cases in Banyuwangi have increased quite significantly, it seems that the implementation of lectures is prioritized to be conducted online,” said Mrs. Septa Indra Puspikawati, SKM, M.PH as SPM.

Lecture Methods Lecture

Methods can be done through E-Learning UNAIR, Airlangga E-Learning in Mobile Application (ALMA), Massive Open Online Course UNAIR(MOOC), Edu Zoom UNAIR, Google Meet and WhatsApp. “There are several choices of lecture methods that can be done, later adjusted to the abilities and desires of the lecturers and students,” explained Mr. Mohammad Zainal Fatah, Drs. MS, M. Kes., As the PPP Public Health Banyuwangi

Practical Implementation

Practicum for Public Health students can be done with simulation video conferencing or tutorials and documenting because the field of public health is different from other fields. Another case for veterinary medicine, it’s quite challenging for this study program because it has to be in contact with the object during the study.

Implementation of Guidance

For students who will do thesis guidance or other final assignments, it can be done online. Apart from that, it can also be done offline if students have KPS license.

Examination Implementation

The implementation of Mid-Semester Examination (UTS) and Final Semester Examination (UAS) will be carried out online under strict supervision.

Besides, the activity seemed more enthusiastic during student aspiration sessions. In order for the activity to go both ways, the committee also held a debriefing session.

Mochamad Nur Mahyail, as Head of the committee hopes that students, lecturers, and student’s aspirations can be conveyed and become a meeting point for the next semester lectures.

“Gopefully, all the complaints and aspirations of students and lecturers can be answered. Thus, everything is ready to run, and online learning can be realized in the next semester,” said Yail. (*)

Author: Rista Novianti Editor: Nuri Hermawan