UNAIR NEWS – UNAIR’s achievements in Student National Science Week (PIMNAS) this year is better than the previous years. With 21 teams qualified to final round, UNAIR finished third place after Universitas Brawijaya as the first place and Universitas Gadjah Mada as the second place.
Director of Student Affairs UNAIR Dr. M. Hadi Subhan, SH., MH., CN., said that PKM teams preparation has been made for quite a while. Preparation and facilities were given long before to support the participating teams.
“After 167 teams had been funded, we monitored and supported them intensively. After being named as finalists, for half a month we briefed them, on materials, presentation or poster,” said Hadi.
Here is the result of the big three in PIMNAS on presentation category:
Winners |
University | Medal | ||
Gold | Silver |
Bronze |
1 | UB | 6 | 4 | 2 |
2 | UGM | 5 | 2 | 3 |
3 | UNAIR | 5 | 3 |
The result was improved from last year’s achievement in 2015. On presentation category, UNAIR only got 2 gold medals and 1 silver medal.
Ayu Tarantika Indreswari from KUMAK “Water and Cosmetics Mercury Test Kit” team won two gold medals, on presentation and exhibition and poster category. She said that UNAIR fully support them by providing facilities needed by the qualifying PKM teams right from the start to the end of PIMNAS.
“We were briefed on some basic materials and how to prepare presentation, finish the final report, poster, and scientific article to coordinate uploading. And for the last three days we had plenary session or presentation also evaluation,” said Ayu.
Appreciation for PIMNAS Finalists
Hadi said that his unit is seeking counsel from the rector on how to appreciate students qualifying in PIMNAS. There is a plan to free them from obligation of participating in KKN and writing thesis.
“For example, if they got PIMNAS medals on research can be free from writing thesis. If on community service they can be free from KKN,” he said.
Hadi said, it will stimulate students to be more active in Students Creativity Program. Furthermore, in the future, faculty is expected to observe students’ academic climate.
“The faculty should observe and provide conducive academic climate on PKM researches. Because some are less conducive as thesis proposal with similar topic with PKM is rejected. We’re trying to minimize this kind of thing. Regulation will be made so the faculty just needs to apply it. The formulation will be studied,” he said.
Being in the third place in PIMNAS this year, Hadi hopes that next year UNAIR acahievements can be better. He expected social humanities field to be improved. As a university, UNAIR has more resources compared to non-university institution.
“We are quite weak on social and humanity while university is the source of this field. In the future, we will improve social humanity so UNAIR can lead in that field,” he said. (*)
Author: Binti Q. Masruroh
Editor: Defrina Sukma S.