UNAIR NEWS – Three students and two lecturers represented PSDKU Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi in 5 th Indonesian Conference on Tobacco or Health (ICTOH) 2018, Monday, May 7. They managed to present their researches.
5 th ICTOH 2018 presented participants from various regions in Indonesia, both students and general public. Previously, the participants followed the selection by submitting abstracts of scientific research or examples of successful tobacco control.
Sub-themes in the papers were Cigarettes as Inhibitors to Utilize Window Opportunity of Demographic Bonus; Cigarette Tax and Excise to Reduce Smoking Prevalence; Cigarettes as Doors to Drugs; Illustrated Health Warning; Banning Advertising, Promotion and Sponsorship of Cigarettes; and Threats of Various Product Development of Tobacco and Electric Cigarettes.
Also, Cigarettes as Threat to Maternal and Child Health; Role of Health Profession in Tobacco Control; Education and Community Empowerment in Preventing Smoking Behavior; and Tobacco Planting Transfer Towards Food Sovereignty. It included Support to Stop Smoking; Threat of Mechanization of Cigarette Industry; Non- Smoking Areas; Cigarette Industry Intervention; and Cigarettes and Poverty.
The three students of PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi were Gayatri Ayodya, Siti Mufaidah, and Rahmasuciani Putri. All three passed the submission in the field of scientific research. Gayatri Ayodya wrote about “Opinion of the community, owners and keepers of diners against the graphic health warning in the District Banyuwangi Banyuwangi District 2017”.
Gayatri revealed the the research used secondary data from the survey evaluation of the prohibition of outdoor advertising in Banyuwangi. In the research, Gayatri wanted to reveal that not many smokers change their mind and stop smoking because of the pictorial warnings.
Most of them keep smoking. However, smokers prefer cigarettes with images that do not show pictures of diseases.
“Actually they know the dangers of cigarettes and are afraid to see pictures of the diseases, but the pictures do not stop them from smoking. Therefore, further intervention is needed so they can finally stop, ” she said.
On the other hand, Rahmasuciani and Siti wrote “Smoking Behavior in Tuberculosis Patients in Three Puskesmas of Banyuwangi Regency” and “Comparative Socioeconomic Status of Diners’ owners and attendants Selling Cigarettes And Public Society”. To UNAIR NEWS team , Putri admitted that the initial goal of their participation is to seek experience.
The participation was their first time especially as presenters in ICTOH 2018.
“Moreover, we could have the opportunity to add relations by meeting the important figures who attended,” she said.
“The symposium is also our golden opportunity to publish scientific research to the general public. So, our research can get input, “added the fourth semester student.
Two lecturers who qualified were Susy Katikana Sebayang and Desak Made Sintha. They also came from PSDKU UNAIR Public Health Study Program in Banyuwangi. They wrote“ Cigarette Sellers Density Near Education Area and Refusal of Traders to Sell Cigarettes to Students in Banyuwangi, East Java” and “Characteristics of Universitas Airlangga Students in Banyuwangi who Smoke Electric Cigarettes” respectively. (*)
Author: Siti Mufaidah
Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifai