Universitas Airlangga Official Website

65th Anniversary of UNAIR, Rector: Our orientation is to serve community

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held an assembly to commemorate 65th Anniversary at Garuda Mukti Hall, Campus C, Monday, November 11. In the assembly, UNAIR Rector, Prof. Mohammad Nasih conveyed the achievements and contributions of UNAIR after 65 years.

Contributions, according to Prof. Nasih is the main value of a college. As one of the leading higher education institutions, UNAIR is committed to continuously improve its contribution. One of them is by encouraging innovation oriented to community service.

“In the future development and innovation, our orientation will be innovations that serve the community. Innovations that make life easier, innovations that improve the quality of human life, innovations that encourage civilization and innovations that encourage the creation of social justice for all Indonesian people, “said Prof. Moh. Nasih in his speech.

It also answers two big challenges related to knowledge and morality. In the aspect of knowledge, UNAIR is committed to developing and encouraging the creation of science and technology that serve the community.

“The technology we encourage is technology that does not add disparity. Technology that would narrow the gap. And it has been proven, our technology is technology to improve health and people do not have to pay dearly for it. The people will receive the value of the technology we create, “he explained.

Meanwhile, Prof. Nasih said aspects of morality will be the key to success in the future. “The development of morality is the key to our success in the future. Maybe growth is slowing down a bit but the most important thing is comfort, justice and civilization, “he said.

Prof. Nasih also expressed his gratitude for the contribution and support of students, lecturers, senates, alumni, and all parties for the achievements that have been carved in 65 years.

Among them, UNAIR’s academic reputation ranks 4th in Indonesia and 401 in the world; in the field of employer reputation ranked 4th in Indonesia and 393 in the world; and in the field of international students, UNAIR ranks 4 in Indonesia and 601 in the world.

Not only that, 73% of programs have been accredited A with 17 internationally accredited programs. UNAIR also has 15 programs that hold double degrees. In the field of research, UNAIR has published 1,386 publications and placed 8th in Indonesia for international publication performance, and has 300 international collaborations.

“Give applause for all of us. We expect support and cooperation. Our task ahead is still long, and difficult for a lot of things that we expect, “concluded Prof. Nasih

On the occasion, Stem Cells and Capsule Shells innovation was launched by Research and Technology Minister and there was an announcement of five engineering programs.

The assembly was attended by the Minister of Research and Technology (Menristek), Bambang Brodjonegoro as an orator, the Governor of East Java, Khofifah Indar Parawansa who received the alumni award in 2019, Chairul Tanjung, and all UNAIR academics in traditional attire.

Author: Lailatul Fitriani

Editor: Feri Fenoria