Universitas Airlangga Official Website

KM PSDKU Banyuwangi launches Reading Corner facility

Management of PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi Student Family in launching the Reading Corner facility on Giri campus. (Photo: Bastian Ragas)

UNAIR NEWS – A proverb says, by reading, humans can travel around the world without having to move from their thrones. It is indeed true, all knowledge and insights throughout the world have been summarized in books, so we are able to know and understand it without having to go to that place.

In this regard, the Science Department of Student Family (KM) PSDKU Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi took the initiative to provide a small facility, a reading corner. Pojok Baca is a small wooden cupboard filled with various reading books, which is placed in one corner of the Giri PSDKU Banyuwangi Campus.

“This is one of our efforts to create a literacy culture in student life, by providing reading material for students,” said Diah Susi, Head of the KM Science Department, to UNAIR NEWS team on Monday (2/9).

Even though the campus library is available, students also need non-academic reading. According to her, the Reading Corner provides books ranging from heavy reading categories, such as law, medical science, to light reading books, such as biographies, novels, tips, and many others.

“It aims to broaden students’ general knowledge,” she said.

Technically, she continued, KM’s Reading Corner facility is almost the same as a library in general, which uses an on-site reading system. In addition, students who take advantage of these facilities must fill in the attendance book provided on the Reading Corner shelf. Furthermore, what makes its different is that if students want to borrow books from the Reading Corner facility, they must first confirm it with the contact person listed on the Reading Corner shelf.

“Confirmation is mandatory because the system adapts to the activities of managers who cannot always look after the Reading Corner shelf. In addition to improving the literacy culture, it also encourages honesty in students, “explained the student from the Aquaculture program.

Susi also added that the Reading Corner work program is very likely to be expanded. Several things can be done, by adding bookshelves on Sobo campus, to forming a community that cares about the Reading Corner. Later, continued Susi, the community will manage the Reading Corner, from sorting books, taking inventory, and managing the lending system to the Reading Corner guard system. Because currently, mobile human resources are still limited, only within the scope of the KM Science Department.

“As the party that manages the Reading Corner facility, please take advantage of the existing facilities and also take care of it for the sake of mutual comfort. Moreover, we also thank UNAIR Information and Library Science Study Program (IIP) and Airlangga University Press (AUP) for helping us in providing reading books in the Reading Corner,” she concluded. (*)

Author: Bastian Ragas

Editor: Nuri Hermawan