Universitas Airlangga Official Website

67th Anniversary, Board of Trustees Chairman reveals UNAIR’s achievements in making new history

Chairman of the UNAIR Board of Trustees (MWA) Prof. Dr. Muhammad Hatta Ali, SH., MH, delivers his remarks at the 67th UNAIR Anniversary Assembly. (Photo: Agus Irwanto)

UNAIR NEWS – To celebrate its 67th Anniversary, Universitas Airlangga held an open academic assembly on Tuesday, November 9, online and offline at Garuda Mukti Hall Campus C, UNAIR. In the assembly, UNAIR Board of Trustees (MWA) Chairman, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Hatta Ali, SH., MH, expressed his pride in UNAIR with all its achievements in 2021. According to him, 67 years is a long process and journey that should be expressed with gratitude.

2021 is a historic year for UNAIR with all its achievements. First, UNAIR is ranked #465 in the QS World University Ranking and #110 in the Asia ranking.

“It means that our target of the World’s Top 500 has been achieved and even exceeded,” said Prof Hatta.

Second, UNAIR is now ranked 1201 by Times Higher Education, and six fields of science are ranked in its Subject rankings, such as Law #201, Clinical and Health #601, Business & Economics #601, Social Science #601, Life Science #801, Physical Science #801-1000 world. Third, UNAIR is ranked first nationally for the Key Performance Indicators (IKU) of State Universities Legal Entities by the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology. Fourth, UNAIR received an award as an informative public body for the category of state university from the Central Information Commission (KPI).

“For all these achievements, we congratulate all lecturers, professors, administrative staff, students, alumni, associations, industry, and professional organizations who have become UNAIR partners. Also, the Rector and staff, deans, and all heads of institutes, boards, and the audit committee who have worked hard with dedication,” said the Chairman of MWA.

This achievement, according to him, will increase enthusiasm and motivation for UNAIR as a center of excellence and make a positive contribution to realizing a just and civilized Indonesia as the theme for this year’s UNAIR anniversary. In the future, the Board of Trustees hopes that UNAIR’s academic community will not become arrogant because this is not the attitude of Airlangga Knights, who have served nobly with devotion and will not feel easily satisfied as science will not develop with satisfaction.

“Often, maintaining an achievement is more difficult than trying to achieve it. For this reason, together with the Academic Senate and the Rector, MWA has approved the UNAIR 2021-2026 strategic plan. Hopefully, the strategic plan that has been compiled will become a reference to make UNAIR more advanced, make more contributions, and HEBAT (Humble, Excellent, Brave, Agile, Transcendent,” he explained.

In the end, Prof Hatta invited all UNAIR academics to show their gratitude to the predecessors who had laid a solid foundation for UNAIR. He advised UNAIR students to prepare as well as possible in the future to make achievements.

“Achievements and success do not happen out of nothing; they can only be achieved by efforts and hard work. Make UNAIR a place to make new history, ”he said.

Author: Khefti Al Mawalia