Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UNAIR encourages synergy from university, government, and industry

Vice-Rector for Resources, Dr. Muhammad Madyan, SE., M.Si., M.Fin., delivers remarks in the event (Photo: Andi Pramono)

UNAIR NEWS – Synergy is the key to many useful innovations for the country. Moreover, the synergy of universities, government, and the industrial world. These three pillars are the main pillars to many innovations and creations that can have an impact on the public.

In this regard, the Partnerships and Development Management Board (BKMP) Universitas Airlangga held an activity entitled “Gathering the Strengths of the Three Pillars for a Just and Civilized Indonesia.” The activity held at Oakwood Hotel Surabaya on Wednesday, December 1, 2021, was attended by UNAIR leaders and academics, Lamongan Regent, and business people from various industries.

On that occasion, the Chairman of East Java Chapter Indonesian CEO Association, Ferry A. Sangeroki, said that moments or activities like this are expected to be a forum to strengthen the collaboration of the three pillars. Moreover, he continued, in taking steps and making the greatest contribution.

“In the business world, there will be many challenges in the future. For this reason, synergy with all partners is needed. With the unity of the three existing pillars, it will become a good unity,” he explained.

Meanwhile, in his remarks, the Vice-Rector for Resources, Dr. Muhammad Madyan, SE., M.Si., M.Fin., also said that researchers at UNAIR should be more intense in sharing with many industries and governments. The potential of universities, he continued, in order to improve the standard of living of the nation must be in harmony with the government and CEOs in the industrial sector.

“This event is significant because, at this time, we are all faced with the shadow of a Covid-19 that could return. Thus, we should all remain vigilant. It is necessary to strengthen collaboration between academics, government, and the industrial world,” he concluded.

After the remarks, the event continued with a discussion led by the Head of BKMP UNAIR, Dr. Eko Supeno M.Si, There were presentations from the Regent of Lamongan, Dr. H. Yuhronur Efendi, MBA, and Head of BPBRIN UNAIR Dr. M. Nafik Hadi Ryandono, SE, M.Si.

 Author: Nuri Hermawan