
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

IKAFE ‘82 and IKAFE ’85 Keeps Making Donation to Ulul ‘Azmi Mosque

UNAIR NEWS – Even though the mosque has been officially opened, the construction has not fully completed and it is still continued, then IKA FE 1985 will keep making donations for the Ulul ‘Azmi mosque Campus C Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) Surabaya. It was stated by the alumni representative Faculty of Economy (FE) UNAIR ‘85, Agus Widiastono, after giving donation about Rp 100,000,085 on Friday May 27.

Symbolically, the donation was accepted by Drs. Ec. Mashariono, MBA., representing IKA UNAIR.  IKA – FE ’85 donation was the fifth time, so totally it reached Rp 400,000,085 (four hundred million rupiah). In addition, IKAFE 1982 also donated Rp 30 million, given by Josh Kilsa, representative of IKAFE ‘82.

As we all know, “Ulul ‘Azmi” mosque in Campus C UNAIR Mulyorejo Surabaya was built with donations from Alumni association (IKA UNAIR). The construction fund was collected from UNAIR alumni, but there were donations from UNAIR employees and local community. The first foundation was laid in December 2014, and it was officially opened on May 27, 2016 spent Rp 17 billion.

“Even though it has been officially opened, the construction was not fully completed, we from IKA-FE ’85 will keep ‘provoking’ others to donate and help this mosque construction. Hopefully other alumni will feel the same,” said Agus Widiastono of IKAFE ’85.

Pengurus IKA UNAIR Drs. Ec. Mashariono (keempat dari kiri) secara simbolis menerima bantuan dari wakil IKAFE 1982, Josh Kilsa, untuk pembangunan masjid Ulul ‘Azmi. (Foto: Bambang Bes)
Officials of IKA UNAIR Drs. Ec. Mashariono (the fourth from the left) symbolically receiving donation from IKAFE 1982 representative, Josh Kilsa, for the mosque (Photo: Bambang Bes)

Josh Kilsa added that there were 250 students of FE 1982, but after graduation and became alumni, slowly but sure, the total alumni IKA gathered increasing, from 182 people become 197 members of IKAFE ’82.

”This donation was a part of it, and we will remind others to donate for the mosque,” said Josh “Kilsa”.

Drs. Ec. Mashariono, MBA who represents IKA-UA, expressed his gratitude to alumni UNAIR who committed and concerned to keep making contributions the mosque construction. As the committee of the construction, Mashariono also hoped the other alumni to participate for the mosque completion which was built by the alumni for the alma mater.

“Thank you for all infak sodakoh and other donations for the mosque, may Allah provide us all with more of what we had donated,” said the man known as Pak Mas, the elder of IKA UNAIR. (*)

Author: Bambang Bes