
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Hijrah through ’Ramadhan Mubarak Airlangga’Activities

UNAIR NEWS – Ramadhan is a month awaited by moslems each year. There are many religious activities to improve faith and piety. Therefore, Islamic Religious student activity unit (UKMKI) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) or Nuruzzaman mosque congregation are also ready to present religious atmosphere in this holy month. Every year UKMKI UNAIR holds “Ramadhan Mubarak Airlangga” (RMA) which this year theme is “My Hijrah My Adventure.”

“We had My Hijrah My Adventure as a theme to incite self improvement to better personality,” said Ahmad Mubarok, the Head of UKMKI UNAIR.

This RMA activities was started on June 4 2016, marked by the Grand Opening and invited extraordinary speakers, one of them was Prof. Dr. Moh Nasih, Rektor UNAIR. In the RMA activities, there will be routine sermon called Insan (Inspirasi Sore Ramadhan) held in Nuruzzaman mosque, Campus B UNAIR. The topic of the sermon was adjusted to the faculty which conducted the sermon.

“If the speaker from FST, the topic will be Peran Iptek dalam Mewujudkan IslamRahmatan Lil Alamin. If the speaker from FISIP, then the topic is Wajah Gerakan Islam dalam Perpolitikan Kampus di Indonesia,” said Mubarok, while added that besides the regular sermon, at weekends there is also Special Pearl sermons held earlier.

In the third week of June, there will be “National Congregational Dawn Prayer” to reinforce Islamic resurgence followed with dawn sermon. In this regard UKMKI also collaborated with Nuruzzaman Mosque management to receive infaq and zakat in Ramadhan.

In addition, in this year’s ramadhan, RMA also donated Braille Al-Quran through donations in forms of voucher. This RMA series of events will be ended on June 24 2016 with a breaking the fast event with orphans. (*)

Author : Afifah Nurrosyidah
Editor : BE Santosa