
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Faculty of Vocations Holds Database Training Program to Produce Competent Teachers and Students

UNAIR NEWS – As a part of dies natalis celebration of Faculty of Vocations (FV) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), Three-year-program (D3) of Information Systems in collaboration with Oracle Academy and AISINDO (Association for Information Systems for Indonesia)  held a training program called “Training of Trainer Database Programming with PL/SQL”. The training was held from May 16 to May 20 2016, in the computer laboratory of Institute of Educational Assessment and Development (LP3) UNAIR and followed by 27 lecturers of database course from 16 universities in East Java.

In his speech, Vice Dean I Faculty of Vocations (FV), Prof. Dr. Retna Apsari, M.Si, said that the training was one form of collaborations initiated by Faculty of Vocations (FV) UNAIR.

“This training is one way to improve skills on database design and PL/SQL programming. This training is aimed to improve quality of the lecturers, also to improve the the quality of the students, especially vocational students. There is a moral responsibility to give more attention to the students,” said Prof. Retna.

Training was lead by Rizqy Ardiansyah, OCM (Oracle Certified Master), a professional instructor from Oracle Academy.

“Before this training, Faculty of Vocations (FV) as a member of Oracle Academy and AISINDO had held similar training, Training of Trainer (TOT) Java Fundamental and Java Programming held from August 31 to October 4, 2015, also TOT Database Design and Programming on October  13-19,” said Endah Purwanti, S.Si., M.Kom, Coordinator of D3 Information System program.

Oracle Academy is a Corporate Citizenship program on Computer Science education of Oracle Corporation. Oracle Corporation is a company which runs software and hardware business located in Redwood Shore, California, The USA. Oracle Academy provided complete portfolio from software, curriculum, lecturer/teacher training, support and certification of resources also access to similar technology as used in the industry.

Oracle Academy is open to collaborate with any formal education institution, for vocational schools and university. The objective of Oracle Academy program is to train the participants to be skillful human resources before they get into professional world and prepare the graduates with strong basic concept on database and programming.

After joining the training, the lecturers were expected to implement the curriculum taught during training to their students. Lecturers can let students to try tests provided in e-learning curriculum and reward them with Oracle Academy certificate.

From the implementation of the Java Fundamental and Java Programming curriculum, students will get Oracle Academy certificate along with their graduation certificate. In this training opening, certificate was given symbolically to Yulfa Herliagustina and Najibullah Ulul Albab by Prof. Retna.

“From the training, the teaching staff quality or even the students graduated from Information System UNAIR have competitive skills compared to other university. So after the students graduated, they are hired and they can compete with ASEAN students who come to Indonesia as MEA is in effect,”  said Ir. Dyah Herawatie, M.Si, Head of Engineering Department of Faculty of Vocations (FV). (*)

Author : Binti Q. Masruroh
Editor : Dilan Salsabila