
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UNAIR Officials Discuss University Achievements and Targets

UNAIR NEWS – As an evaluation of performance for the first three months of 2016, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) Rector held officials meeting. It was held on Thursday, May 26 in Kahuripan Hall UNAIR, attended by officials, deans, vice deans, head of UNAIR centres, boards, and institutes, head of departments also the heads of programs in UNAIR. In the meeting, achievements and targets to reach were discussed.

In the occasion, UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. H. Mohammad Nasih, MT., SE., Ak, CMA., elaborated university’s achievements, either made by faculties, boards and institutes. The achievements could be from researches, services, or other activities held to improve university’s achievements.

“We have a great challenge on international publications, accreditation A and international accreditation. We also have great challenge to process researches’ results to be products and intellectual property rights (HAKI),” said Prof. Nasih.

Prof. Ir. M. Amin Alamsjah, M.Si., Ph.D., as Vice Rector III UNAIR, encouraged the faculty officials to push all the civitas academica to increase achievements and create breakthroughs.

“We need hardwork and breakthroughs to drive the lecturers and students. We really hope that deans and vice deans, especially vice deans III to keep pushing the efforts,” said Prof. Amin.

His division will also push the faculty to tighten the supervision on international journals produced by students. He said that all master and doctoral graduates must produce international publication journal.

Furthermore, Vice Rector IV UNAIR Junaidi Khotib, S.Si, Apt., M.Kes, Ph.D., also said that academic product realization and researches product are being developed and improved. The realization of university academic products is proofs that university can show that universities have great use to the wider society.

“Hopefully, lecturers’ researches can be accountable and be used by the society. So the university products can contribute and known by them. We must be able to change academic environmental which stops at the faculty,” said Junaidi.

Junaidi who oversees university holding and alumni networking also said that UNAIR should improved cooperation with the alumni. At the moment, a special page for UNAIR alumni is being developed. It will be launched in June 2016. The official page is collaboration of Planning and Development Board (BPP) UNAIR and alumni. (*)

Author : Binti Q. Masruroh
Editor: Defrina Sukma S.