
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Learning Culture and History in Land of Cherry Blossoms

UNAIR NEWS – The opportunity to study abroad should not be missed. When coming back home, there are many experiences to share with friends or people who need for the information.

Ni Made Ayu Karina Wiraswari, mahasiswa Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi (Foto: Istimewa)
Ni Made Ayu Karina Wiraswari, a student from the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) (Photo: Special)


Ni Made Ayu Karina Wiraswari, a student from the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) last March got back from the land of cherry blossoms. She had been chosen with eight other Indonesian students to join spring program of Kumamoto University, Japan for ten days.

The student from Information Systems, FST UNAIR, said that the organizing committee had showed them many kinds cultural education, from traditional dances, culinary, martial arts, to Japanese crafts art and also the history of Kumamoto Palace.

“The program was to attract foreign students to study in Japan and especially Kumamoto University,” said Karina who is also an awardee of Bank Indonesia scholarship.

Karina said that through the spring program he got a lot of friends from many countries in Asia. “From interaction with other foreign students, indirectly, we also promote Indonesian excellence. An important experience, we can get more friends. I gain experiences from communicating with other foreign students,” said the student born on October, 19, 1993.

Visiting museums

Another UNAIR student who had an opportunity to visit the land of the rising sun is Annisa Rochma Sari. She was in the Study and Visit Japan 2016 program with a theme of ‘Modernization and Post-War Experience’ in Okayama University which ended last March.

Annisa Rochma Sari mahasiswa Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya (Foto: Istimewa)
Annisa Rochma Sari, a student of English Literature, Faculty of Humanities (Photo: Special)

From her visit, the student of English Literature, the Faculty of Humanities (FIB), UNAIR was impressed by Japanese college system. The lectures given by the professors were in details, which encouraged and developed critical way of thinking of the students. Furthermore, the student born on May 11, 1995 was also impressed by the Japanese museum service system. Annisa said that Japanese museum had integrated audio, diorama visualization and complete informative media.

“The museums are very interesting, such as Museum Yamato we visited. It doesn’t only inform us about the history of Yamato warship, but also shows the replicas and some authentic parts of the machine. They are shown so that the visitors can touch and realize the connection of past and present,” said Annisa.

She was also amazed by Hiroshima Peace Museum and Memorial Park. A lot of historical things, proofs, audio-visual, eerie atmosphere and diorama of Hiroshima atomic bomb were shown there.

“Of course it is aimed to make people aware of tragedy of humanities and realize that it can happen again,” she added.

Asked about her next plan after coming back from Japan, the student keen on travelling said that she wanted to develop the way of learning history and culture with experience she gained in Japan.

“I want to develop historical learning by going to historical sites, interview the locals to search facts, memories and understand social effects happened and write then publish the results to the society, she said.  (*)

Author: Nuri Hermawan
Editor: Defrina Sukma S.