UNAIR NEWS – There were 89 lecturers of Universitas Airlangga received certification from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. The certificate awarding was attended by Vice Rector IV Junaidi Khotib, S.Si., M.Kes., Ph.D, The head of UNAIR Lecturer Certification Prof. Dr. Widji Soeratri, DEA., Apt, representative of national lecturer certification Prof. Zainuddin, Director of Human Resources UNAIR Dr. Purnawan Basundoro, S.S., M.Hum, and the deans. It was held by Garuda Mukti Hall, UNAIR Management Office, on Tuesday April 26.
The certificates were awarded to 24 lecturers from Faculty of Medicine (FK), 6 lecturers from Faculty of Dentistry, 8 lecturers from Faculty of Law (FH), 9 lecturers from Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), 4 lecturers from Faculty of Pharmacy (FF), 4 lecturers from Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP), 11 lecturers from Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), 6 lecturers from Faculty of Public Health (FKM), 3 lecturers from Faculty of Psychology (FPsi), 7 lecturers from Faculty of Humanities (FIB) and 3 lecturers from UNAIR Hospital.
In his speech, Vice Rector IV UNAIR hoped that certified lecturers can set good examples to students and communities. Junaidi also wanted the lecturers to always implement University Tri Dharma, education, research and community service.
Similar with Vice Rector IV UNAIR, Prof. Zainuddin also said that lecturers are UNAIR motors to achieve Top World Class University.
“These certificates are the way this country acknowledges your profession as lecturers. With them, we expect professionalism is upheld continuously,” said Prof. Zainuddin.
He also motivated the lecturers to improve performance through research and publications, also to be honest, innovative, tough and hardworking.
Based on 2015 records, UNAIR has 158 lecturers have not been certified. Even so, Prof. Widji said that his unit will accelerate the certifications. According to him, lecturers have not met the requirements for certification because they were still continuing their studies or they have not been a year teaching here.
“They have not had functional or academic position such as expert assistant. We will push them to apply for expert assistant. We will totally support them dealing with the process,” said Prof. Widji.
Nevertheless, according to Prof. Zainuddin, UNAIR is a good example of national lecturer certification process. Regarding the matter, Prof. Widji said that UNAIR lecturer certification committee worked with zero defects principle.
“Lecturers’ job is to help students in their learning activities. While, our job as the committee of lecturers’ certification is to held the lecturers to achieve the peak of their careers,” said the professor from Faculty of Pharmacy UNAIR. (*)
Author : Defrina Sukma S
Editor : Nuri Hermawan