
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

IKMVI Congress Confirms Vocations Graduates Ready for MEA

UNAIR NEWS – Faculty of Vocations, Universitas Airlangga has hosted Vocations Students family (IKMVI) congress for the first time. The congress was attended by five delegations as well as initiators, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Brawijaya, Institut Pertanian Bogor, and Universitas Airlangga. IKMVI Congress was held on March 14-19, 2016.

On Tuesday, March 15, the opening ceremony was held in Vocations Hall attended by the faculty officials, students and congress’ delegations. Dr. Hadi Subhan, S.H., M.H., C.N, as UNAIR Director of Students Affair officially opened IKMVI congress in 2016, followed with speech from Prof. Dr. Retna Apsari, M.Si as the vice dean I Vocations UNAIR on everything about UNAIR Vocations itself.

Barik, as the congress person in charge of IKMVI congress 2016 hoped that with that kind of activity, civitas academica will understand about vocational education. “With this kind of congress, I hope we can be in synergy and unite all mindsets of all civitas academica about the vocations itself,” said Barik.

The congress had three main agendas, formulation of articles of association and housekeeping rules (AD/ART), IKMVI chairman election and IKMVI program formulation. Other than three agendas, Department of Public Policy of Vocations of Faculty Student Executive Board (BEM) also held a public discussion

Three national keynote speakers were also in the public discussion, Ir. Hotma Prawoto Sulistyadi, M.T., IP-MD as the Head of the Forum Higher vocational Education 2016, and Drs. Henky Kurniadi, S.H., M.H as the lawmakers of  DPR RI Commission IV and as moderator was Achmad Hidayat, expert staff DPR RI.

Public Discussion themed “Vocations for MEA” was aimed to add insights on vocational education for all civitas academica UNAIR Vocations as it is newly established faculty.

According to Hotma, diploma program diploma should be viewed as Applied Bachelor, not D-3 or D-4 program. Similar with Hotma, Sigit added that Vocations students need the competency and excellence required for the industry. If university can create qualified human resources, the the community will be able to compete with foreign resources, especially in ASEAN Economic Community (MEA) era. (*)

Author: Lovita Cendana
Editor: Defrina Sukma S