
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

PIH Educates Students on Journalism, Media and Communication

UNAIR NEWS – Discussion on news production, journalism, media and communication was held by UNAIR Newsroom in Room Kahuripan 301 of Management Office on Tuesday, February 2. There were dozens of newsroom crew attending.

There were a few topics discussed such as newsroom division, news production and internal communication system between the editorial crew. Students from many faculties were also motivated to express themselves in Newsroom especially with their journalism abilities.

“They key is discipline. Believe what you do here as a part of your learning process in a fun way,” said the Head of Information and Public Relations Center, Drs Suko Widodo MS.i.
In the future, there will be competent speakers for Newsroom discussions. They can be from the lecturers, journalists, and media observers. Thus, educational aspect managed intensively in each discussion.

The Newsroom coordinator, Bambang Bes said that UNAIR currently conducting media and communication optimization. In this regard, UNAIR Radio, Unair News website (news.unair.ac.id) and Warta UNAIR magazine should be integrated.

“For that reason, friends from the radio can also write news for the website. Go ahead,” Bambang Bes, known as Bes, said.

The news shown on the website will be concise and compact. It can be a report of an event, brief feature or comments on national issues. The issues can be news product with UNAIR experts’ comments in it.

For example, from an issue on Gafatar, FISIP expert can be inquired for comments on social and public policies. The point is, Newsroom gives the freedom for creative journalism. (*)

Author: Rio F. Rachman