UNAIR NEWS – Friday, February 5, Work meeting of Dharma Wanita Persatuan Universitas Airlangga was held in Soemarto Hall, Faculty of Public Health. It was a part of the organization annual program to discuss upcoming activities in a year. From 45 members of central dharma wanita, there were 38 attending. Their work plan included education, economy, and socio-culture fields.
Triyani Purnamawati Nasih as the Head of Dharma Wanita said that there were not many changes made for the upcoming year program.
“We are oriented to more gatherings and strengthening ties. Main activities are work meetings, Kartini’s Day commemoration, free main commodities (sembako) distribution to employees in category 1 and 2, and other UNAIR communities. There are some wards appointed for that,” Triyani said.
“Hopefully in the future we work as a supporting system. If the members’ ties are well-maintained, it will create the best results. Tut Wuri Handayani,” Triyani Nasih said.
Education work program, according to Nyoman Anita Damayanti (Dr., drg., MS.), include formal and informal education. In formal education, it will hold a visit to Anak Ceria Playgroup in UNAIR Faculty of Psychology.
“The visit is to give supports to the staff, so the playgroup can be a role model of other playgroups,” Nyoman said. Regarding the informal education, the program will invite students to work as volunteers.
The upcoming program realized soon is Kartini’s Day commemoration in April. There wil be a talkshow, and bazaar. The talkshow will invite experts as speakers on Protecting Kids from Violence. The event will invite representatives from each faculty and some units and institutes in UNAIR.
After the work meeting, Nyoman who was also the initiator of Pregnant Mothers and Healthy Kids Caring Movement (GELIAT) UNAIR, presented GELIAT UNAIR publicization. She expected every member of Dharma Wanita also publicize GELIAT UNAIR to young mothers and fathers.
Nyoman also proclaimed education program in teaching to read and write to kids around UNAIR who did not go to school. Even though the program was not written formally, but she will start it in a small scale.
The result of work meeting will be given to UNAIR rector, as reports and advice, if necessary. The report of Dharma Wanita activities in a year will be reported to the provincial government.
Author : Binti Q. Masruroh
Editor : Defrina Sukma S.