
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UNAIR Visited by 258 Students from Gresik

UNAIR NEWS – As the oldest university in eastern part of Indonesia, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) has been visited often by senior high school students especially students in class XII. This time, UNAIR through its Information and Public Relations staff welcomed 258 students and teachers from SMAN I Kebomas, Gresik on Tuesday, February 9. They were welcomed and given information on UNAIR in Kahuripan Hall, Campus C UNAIR.

In UNAIR, the visiting students got a lot of information on UNAIR profile and its student admission process. Information about UNAIR was presented by PIH staff, Anindya Anindita, while the admission process was from Drs. Djoko Adi Prasetyo, M.Si, from PPMB UNAIR.

In his speech, one of the teachers of SMAN I Kebomas M. Suhafiz, M.Ag, said that their visit was to get more information about UNAIR.

“UNAIR was always be the first choice of SMAN I Kebomas Gresik  students. Most of them raised hand when they were asked,” Who wants to study at UNAIR?” So we’re here now to get as much information as we could on UNAIR,” said the teacher.

Djodi, the presenter from PPMB UNAIR also known as, encouraged the students not to be nervous to face the selection process. Lecturer of UNAIR FISIP Anthropology suggested them to keep consulting with the counseling teachers regarding their major they are taking.

“Students have to understand the competition in each programs. And you have to consult with your counseling teachers,” said Djodi. (*)

Author: Defrina Sukma