
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Islamic Economy Column to Satisfy Public Curiosity

UNAIR NEWS – As reported by UNAIR NEWS, Islamic Economy Department (DES) FEB UNAIR seeks cooperation with various mass media in order to publicize Islamic economy. After meeting with the CEO of Radio Suara Muslim Surabaya on Wednesday, February 10, DES officials visited Tabloid Nurani office on Friday, February 12 in Ketintang Baru, Surabaya.

They were welcomed by the Editor in Chief, HM Khozin with other editors from the tabloid of Islamic family. In the meeting lasted for two hours, both sides discussed many things related to their cooperation all this time.

“We have had this cooperation for a year now. Meeting in person is an important thing to do to strengthen our cooperation,” said the Head of DES Dr. Raditya Sukmana opening the discussion that afternoon. In the past year, DES teaching staff has hosted ask and answer column on Islamic economy in the tabloid which was in Jawa Pos group.

“We hoped that when it reaches 150 articles, we can made a book from them,” said the alumnus of Georgia State University. In his opinion, a book contains ask and answer on many things related to contemporary Islamic economy can be a reference to people who need the information.

HM Khozin, as the Editor in Chief appreciated the cooperation in the past and expected better one in the future. In his opinion, as a tabloid which runs in the second decade, they need to provide contents with more quality. It can be achieved through cooperation with academicians.

“Getting information from the capable experts will ensure our readers that Nurani only provide quality contents and information,” he said. He also added that Islamic economy experts from UNAIR has helped a lot answering inquiries from the public on Islamic economy which is relatively unfamiliar to them.(*)

Author : Yeano Andhika