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FH UNAIR CACCP Holds Discussion on KPK Law Revision

UNAIR NEWS – Researchers of Center for Anti-Corruption and Criminal Policy (CACCP) from Faculty of Law UNAIR held a discussion, KPK Law Revision, to Strengthen or Weaken KPK, on Thursday February 18 in Coffee Morning Room FH UNAIR. The discussion was a cooperation of CACCP with Transparency International Indonesia (TII) and Malang Corruption Watch (MCW) to discuss KPK law revision.

Corruption Eradication Commission’s (KPK) performance cannot be separated from the public supports which expect the eradication of corruption in Indonesia. But, efforts to weaken KPK have been made relentlessly.

KPK law revision has been suggested by the House of Representatives and the government. The revision points focused on the substantials such as wiretapping restriction, investigators’ status which omit KPK exclusivity.

In KPK law revision, important roles are given to other institution which can intervenes the KPK’s independent and quality performance. First, the supervising board is involved in wiretapping and confiscation permit. Second, the role of police force is strengthened, as the investigator educating institution and also as supervising body (article 12A-12E, 37A-37D, 38, 47 from KPK bill draft).

Iqbal Felisiano, SH., LL.M, of Anti-Corruption research center FH UNAIR said that KPK law revision is not necessary. He believed the revision will surely weaken KPK as well as limit KPK investigation authority. Iqbal also question the importance of its revision.
“KPK law revision contradicts KPK strategy of eradicating corruption as it actually weakens the institution from its structural and administrative aspects,” said Iqbal who is also FH UNAIR lecturer.

In the discussion, academicians and legal practitioners from LBH Surabaya, SEPAHAM, PUSHAM Surabaya, AJI Surabaya, East Java Gusdurian Network, KONTRAS Surabaya, CMARs Surabaya, Parliament Watch, GERDY Suroboyo, Malang Corruption Watch, FLAC Surabaya, and SPAK Surabaya were also present.

With the discussion, they made coalition in the name of East Java community and made three important statements; (1) the current drafted KPK law revision is an effort to weaken KPK;(2) urge the House of Representatives to stop any efforts revising KPK law; (3) urge the president to stop KPK law revision at all cost as the implementation of his commitment to eradicate corruptions as stated in his Nawa Cita (nine programs). (*)

Author: Ahalla Tsauro