UNAIR NEWS – UNAIR will build campus E in northern Gresik. To put the plan in motion, UNAIR Rector with high officials visited Polowijo Gosari group, in Panceng, Gresik on Wednesday February 24. The group was welcomed by the President Director of Polowijo Gosari Group, A Djauhar Arifin.
In the meeting, UNAIR high officials and Djauhar Arifin discussed about the campus establishement in the integrated area for academic activities, researches, and industries. As planned, UNAIR will be built on the land belongs to Polowijo Gosari Group.
Junaidi Khotib, Ph.D, Vice Rector IV for Business and Alumni Cooperation, interviewed by UNAIR NEWS on February 25 in his office, provided the details from the meeting. He said that UNAIR visit to Polowijo Gosari was not a sudden visit. All this time, UNAIR has had series of cooperation with Polowijo Gosari.
“We have had cooperation schemes. We have similar wish, that there should be education in Gresik. The role of university becomes important,” said the lecturer from UNAIR faculty of Pharmacy.
UNAIR Campus E later will be a part of “Northern Gresik Bio-Industrial Area Based On Innovation Development” which will be developed by Polowijo Gosari Group.
“We will develop cluster campus, a unification of academic-research-industry and tourism area developing. Northern Gresik needs it and fortunately it is appropriate for it,” said the doctor graduated from Hoshi University, Japan.
Currently UNAIR is reviewing the campus E construction. Furthermore, the review also included the research center construction, programs and faculties needed in the area.
“Hopefully, in 2017-2018 there will be learning process so the embryo of this cluster development can be started,” he said. (*)
Author : Yeano Andhika