UNAIR NEWS – Student club (UKM) Persaudaraan Setia Hati Terate (PSHT) UNAIR keeps showing great performances in every pencak silat tournaments. This time, PSHT UNAIR achieved the second place in Pencak Silat tournament 4th ITS Cup 2016 held on February 28-28. PSHT team got 6 gold, 7 silver and 5 bronze medals from many categories.
“For the tournament, PSHT UNAIR was dominated by new athletes. Nevertheless, it does not reduce PSHT UNAIR chance to be champion. There was no special preparation made. For this tournament, PSHT UNAIR only trained for a week,” said Anggi Setya Aji, the coordinator of PSHT UNAIR in 4th ITS Cup 2016.
Some of the medals won were from new athletes. Noval, FKH 2013 student took the first place for class H. PSHT UNAIR also awarded as best performance in class A women from Nurul Istiqomah, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine (FPK) 2012 student.
Other than ITS tournament, PSHT UNAIR also prepared for upcoming tournaments, 3rd International Pencak Silat PSHT Championship in Solo, on March 19-24, 2016; and University Pencak Silat National Championship Menpora Cup VI, on October 10-16, 2016 in Lampung.
In the near future, PSHT UNAIR will attend Parapatan Luhur Sedunia 2016, the assembly of PSHT held in Presidential Palace on March 10-12, 2016. (*)
Author : Afifah Nurrosyidah
Editor : Binti Q. Masruroh