Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UNAIR Faculty of Law Held Basic Student Management Skills Training Again

The Faculty of Law, Universitas Airlangga (FH UNAIR), again conducted Basic Level Student Management Skills Training (LKMMTD) on Saturday (11/19/2022) and Sunday (11/20/2022). The LKMMTD activity which was held in Room 303 Building A FH UNAIR, aims to train the skills of UNAIR FH students in developing a critical attitude and effective self-management in student organizations.


Vice Dean I FH UNAIR, Dr. Enny Narwati, S.H., M.H delivered the first remarks. She also presented “Higher Education Learning” and “Analysis of Environmental Conditions and Formulation of Initial Ideas”. Dr. Enny emphasized that when students graduate from college, it is not enough if them only master hard skills, they must also be supported by learning soft skills. During college, he said, students must participate in extracurricular activities to improve soft skills.


“FH UNAIR graduates must have high soft skills. For this reason, universities and faculties accommodate all extracurricular activities in that students can participate. An example is this LKMMTD activity. This is not part of the curriculum, but it is important for improving soft student skills,” he said.


Implementation of LKMTD, continued Dr. Enny, is closely related to the Free Campus Learning Freedom (MBKM) policy, especially in fulfilling student rights. The MBKM program is a program that allows students not to take specific courses as long as the student meets requirements such as having achievements related to that course. For example, UNAIR FH students may not take the Constitutional Court Procedural Law course if they win the Constitutional Court procedural law debate competition.


The second speaker, Masitoh Indriani, S.H., LL.M., presented material on “Publication of Ormawa Activities, Communication, and Public Relations”. Masitoh explained that the primary purpose of establishing public relations is to optimize the organization’s existence, not just to build a positive reputation and the organization’s good name. Public Relations is here to help organizations be more trusted and able to achieve the goals the organization was established, to be able to provide benefits for the organization and the public.


“The function of public relations is also to communicate everything related to society and organizations, build good and mutually beneficial relations with the public, build a good image in society, and communicate everything properly and wisely. Public Relations works with a communication strategy so that it can manage the delivery and dissemination of information that can be understood and appreciated by the public regarding the organization,” said Masitoh.


The third speaker, Bagus Oktafian Abrianto, S.H., M.H., presented two materials simultaneously. The material he conveyed was regarding “Organizational Motivation, Organizational Nature, Decision Making, and Conflict Control” as well as “Ormawa Policy and Planning Activities, Exposure to Faculty Policy Proposed Ormawa Activities (BEM, BLM, BSO)”.


“Something logical must be consistent—such a coherence theory of truth. Then there is the pragmatic theory of truth. That is, something is considered true if the opinion of colleagues or a majority vote supports it. This applies to voting on BLM, DLM, and so on. However, the majority vote is not always right. It could be that the ultimate truth belongs to a minority of voices,” Bagus explained.


In addition to the four materials presented on the first day of the LKMMTD, four other materials were also presented on the second day, namely “Description of Work Plans and Committees, Benchmarks for Success in Planning Work Schedules, and Fundamentals of Organization” by Taufik Rachman, S.H., LL.M., Ph.D.; “Description of Plans and Appointments as well as Organizing/Committee Communication Between Work Units for Preliminary Idea Elaboration” by Amira Paripurna, S.H., LL.M., Ph.D; “Secretarial Administration and Financial Administration” by Ekawestri Prajwalita Widiati, S.H., LL.M.; and “Techniques for Preparing Student Activity Financial Reports” by Ratih Mekasari, S.E.