UNAIR NEWS – Faculty of Nursing Universitas Airlangga held a training titled ” K3 Health Education, Demonstration, Evacuation, and Management of Fire Victims” in Medokan Semampir, Thursday, January 4. Located in the Hall of Medokan Semampir, the activity was attended by housewives and home industry practitioners whose daily activities are close to fire.
Lurah Medokan Semampir Supriono appreciated the organization the training. According to him, knowledge of the correct procedures associated with handling fires is very important for housewives.
“Especially for people who live in a crowded neighborhood,” he said. “Because, damkar cars (fire engines, ed) cannot get into the narrow alleys. The length of the hose is also limited,” he added.
Supriono revealed that through the training, the participants are expected to be able to perform fast and appropriate action when a fire occurs. In addition, he thanked UNAIR especially FKp, and Surabaya Fire Department for the training.
In the training, UNAIR and Surabaya Fire Department provided training related to first aid to fire victims on health education and evacuation.
The person in charge, Hidayat Arifin explained that the training was done from a collaboration, especially the Professional Nursing Education program (P3N) FKp with Medokan Semampir Village with Surabaya Fire Department. Fire-fighting was practiced using APAR (light fire extinguishers) and traditional fire extinguishers.
“In accordance with SOP, in Surabaya, Fire Department must on site of fire disaster, seven minutes after being contacted. Therefore, people should know what to do, not only watching the fire, “he said.
In addition, the use of toothpaste and butter is often used in the community for burn victims and they are not medically recommended.
“The best thing is to pour clean water into the wound. Then compressed with a clean wet cloth, “said Hidayat. “Keep the burn area damped a all time,” he added.
Surabaya Fire Department Head Chandra Oratmangun in his speech stated that most cases of fire were caused by human factor. Therefore, people need to know and understand the procedures for handling fires.
In addition, Chandra expected participants to share knowledge from the training to other residents. The community was also expected to be more concerned and responsive to all potential causes of fire.
“Make sure to check the power grid every five years. Hopefully Surabaya is free from fire, ” he said.
Dr. Retno Indarwati, S. Kep., Ns., M. Kep., from FKp UNAIR revealed that nurses are not only assigned indoors while handling patients. The task of providing community preparedness for the disaster is also part of the role of nurses.
“Also, this is a form of UNAIR’s dedication and involvement in community, especially the people of Medokan Semampir to manage fire precisely, fast, and safe,” she said.
Dr. Retno Indarwati, S.Kep., Ns., M. Kes. from FKp UNAIR; Lurah Medokan Semampir Supriono; Head of Keputih Public Health Center, Ari K. Nurdiyanti; and Head of Surabaya Fire Department Chandra Oratmangun were attending the event. (*)
Author: Feri Fenoria
Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh