IJTID is a scientific journal published by the Institute Tropical Disease of Universitas Airlangga. IJTID is an international journal, as we have been accredited by DIKTI (SK 32a/E/KPT/2017), an English language journal, and indexed in DOAJ which has green thick. Registered Number p-ISSN: 2085-1103, e-ISSN: 2356-0991.
IJTID FOCUSES original research on epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of infectious disease and control of infectious diseases, with particular emphasis on those diseases which are most common in Indonesia, South East Asia, tropical countries and around the world. This journal is a peer-reviewed journal established to promote the recognition of emerging and reemerging diseases specifically in Indonesia, South East Asia, other tropical countries and around the world, and to improve the understanding of factors involved in disease emergence, prevention, and elimination.
This Publication is referred improve the understanding of factor involved in disease emergence, prevention, and elimination. The journal is intended for scientists, clinicians, and professionals in infectious diseases and related sciences. We welcome contributions from infectious disease specialists in academia, industry, clinical practice, public health, and pharmacy, as well as from specialists in economics, social sciences, and other disciplines. For information on manuscript categories and suitability of proposed articles see below and visit HERE