
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Great Opportunity to Receive Scholarships at UNAIR

UNAIR NEWS – Most prospective students may still consider the tuition fees expensive. When in fact, many universities offer various scholarships or education aid for students. One of them is Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR).  Dr. M. Hadi Subhan, SH., MH., CN., spoke at the Airlangga Education Expo, Sunday, February 25 on the existing scholarships at UNAIR.

Being held at Airlangga Convention Center (ACC) Campus C UNAIR, the event was attended by headmasters, teachers, and prospective students. On the occasion, Hadi explained the difference between scholarships and education aid. The scholarships, he continued, is an aid aimed at all outstanding students, without looking at the economic background. Education aid, on the other hand, such as bidikmisi is the assistance from the state for students who are economically challenged with good academic achievement.

Regarding bidikmisi, UNAIR is always short of students who register for bidikmisi. According to Hadi, many students do not register bidikmisi because they do not know about it. Furthermore, many prospective students are lazy to register bidikmisi because it is hard work.

“UNAIR itself in 2018 provided 1100 bidikmisi quota. So the opportunity to receive bidikmisi is very large. Therefore, do not forget to register bidikmisi, “he said.

Furthermore, Hadi said, if prospective students accepted at UNAIR and register for bidikmisi, there will be some mechanisms. “Of course there is a verification process. Students whose parents earn less than 4 million per month or civil servants  below rank 3 would be accepted, more than that they will be denied, “added Hadi.

The labor law expert explained that the base of scholarships is achievement. To get a scholarship, students must first study at least one semester. Then the student must get a GPA in accordance with the criteria of each company.

“There are more than 50 companies currently willing to provide scholarships to UNAIR. Both private institutions, state-owned enterprises, and state agencies, “he explained.

In addition, UNAIR has a Tahfidzul Quran scholarship program. For students who memorized the Koran at least 5 juz, UNAIR will give assistance despite being acceptance in bidikmisi. Students who memorized 5 juz will be tuition free for a semester, while those who memorized 30 juz will be tuition free until graduation.

“So there is no story of Universitas Airlangga students dropped out because of lack of money to pay for college as long as the requirements are met,” he concluded.

Author: M. Najib Rahman

Editor: Nuri Hermawan