
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Through LKMM-TD, UNAIR Banyuwangi Students Hone Leadership Skills

UNAIR NEWS – Student Family (KM) Off Main Campus Study Program (PSDKU) Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi held Basic Student Management Skills Training (LKMM-TD) again. Located at Sobo Campus PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi and Minak Jinggo Hall Banyuwangi Regent Office, the annual event was held for three days, ie from Friday, March 16 to Sunday, March 18.

On the first day, the activity was opened directly by Moh. Thohawi EP., Drh., M.Si., as lecturer of veterinary medicine study program and activist of PSDKU UNAIR organization in Banyuwangi. In addition, there was also Darmawan Setia Budi S.Pi., M.Si., lecturer and mentor of the Student Family organization of PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi, as a speaker.

In his presentation, Darmawan elaborated the importance of attending a similar training LKMM. For him, the important benefits of LKMM among other activities to practice leadership skills, build character, develop creativity in the organization, and hone soft skills of PSDKU young generation so students PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi can be a highly competitive graduates.

“Building a leader’s soul is not easy, but it is important to realize that the current leadership crisis can worsen the condition of the organization. Therefore, LKMM-TD activities are needed to build new resources that can support the quality of the organization in PSDKU, “he added.

Furthermore, adding the statement Darmawan, Head of KM PSDKU UNAIR in Bayuwangi Moh. Bayu Alfian said that the activities followed by 60 students from the second semester and IV became a strong provision to run the organization. Although, added Bayu, there are some participants who are not directly involved in student organizations.

“This activity presents many speakers. The goal is to train participants in performing benchmarks of success, planning work schedules, organizational basics, organizing committee activities I, organizing committee activities and many other things, “Bayu added.

Author: Siti Mufaida

Editor: Nuri Hermawan