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AUBMO PSDKU Determined to Support Bidikmisi UNAIR Banyuwangi

UNAIR NEWS – Being away from the main campus, especially the parent organization has matured AUBMO (Airlangga University Bidikmisi Organization, ed) Off Main Campus Study Program (PSDKU) Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi. Evidently, they have passed four years with various challenges and obstacles, from 2014 until now 2018.

Head of AUBMO PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi 2018 Hodimatum Mahiroh revealed, the organizations she leads is an extension of Surabaya. However, all matters related to organization have been the authority of AUBMO PSDKU.

According to Mahi, during transition period in PSDKU, Central AUBMO through its representatives also cares. They also visit PSDKU. Meanwhile, about the organizational structure in PSDKU, she added, there are five ministries. It is quite different from the organization at central AUBMO, UNAIR.

“So, Surabaya (Central AUBMO, ed) formed a special governing body in Banyuwangi. About AD / ART, we are included (AUBMO center), “she said. “For the Head election and the work programs of the board are given to us (AUBMO PSDKU),” she told UNAIR NEWS on Saturday, March 10 at Campus Sobo, PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi.

The main role of AUBMO in PSDKU, added Mahi, is to support all students who receive bidikmisi scholarship. Scholarships that provide educational tuition aid to outstanding students who come from the poor.In addition, said Mahi, to assist students, both morally and materially, for example, through monthly discussions from activities to gathering reports. In addition, AUBMO strives to provide place and development facilities for bidikmisi students.”Bidikmisi is an opportunity to reach our dreams. On the other hand, it is also our responsibility to do everything possible to the best of the nation, “she said.

Therefore, in its stewardship, Mahi explained, soft skill development programs of students become one of the important things. It includes the program of development, training, up to mentoring the field of science and entrepreneurship and community programs.

Mahi is well aware that good intentions and good things are not just something that falls from the sky, without any determination, and hard work as the phrase “Jer Basuki Mawa Bea”. However, for her, the challenges that arise are always in the process towards a good thing.

The principle of entrepreneurship eventually formed in the organizations. The concept of from, for, and by bidikmisi students PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi is her choice, especially in trying and striving to develop together.

“For the program, we collect some money every semester. It is taken from the monthly aid. Every student pays Rp. 60,000, “he said.

In the future, AUBMO PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi through its stewardship is determined to widen the Bidikmisi students’ work in education and devotion program, through the exploration of cooperation with similar campus organizations in the nearest neighborhood in Banyuwangi.”It also encourages bidikmisi communication forum in the scope of PSDKU,” he said. (*)

Author: Feri Fenoria

Editor: Nuri Hermawan