
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

AUBMO PSDKU Trains Bidikmisi Student Entrepreneurship

UNAIR NEWS – The academic life of students is always colored with diverse activities. In addition to the focus to sharpen insights through various sciences, students also often hone entrepreneurship skills.

In response, the Airlangga University Bidikmisi Organization (AUBMO, ed) UNAIR Off Main Campus Study Program (PSDKU) in Banyuwangi held an Entrepreneurship Seminar for students receiving Bidikmisi scholarship. Being held in room B-201 Campus Giri PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi, the activity was held on Sunday, March 18.

After a successful similar activity in the previous year, this time AUBMO PSDKU tried to encourage Bidikmisi students of PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi to be more independent through Entrepreneurship Seminar with theme “Panning The Rupiahs by Creative Entrepreneur”. According to Shabrina Fauzia Prayoga as the chief executive, the AUBMO Entrepreneurship Seminar is aimed to provide insight into the business world to students.

“In this activity we invite a young businessman who manages creative business from garbage. In his presentation, the speaker conveyed about the recycling-based creative economy in the form of garbage processing into high-value goods, ” she said.

Meanwhile, Hodimatum Mahiroh as the Head of AUBMO PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi said that through Entrepreneurship Seminar, students are expected to be more independent. She added that in the future students will face with many challenges. Therefore, with entrepreneurship, students at least can face post-campus life.

“Through today’s entrepreneurial seminar activities, they are expected to be motivated to produce creative work and to open new job opportunities that benefit themselves and others,” she said.

Author: Siti Mufaida

Editor: Nuri Hermawan