UNAIR NEWS – For the first time, two students of PSDKU (Off Main Campus Study Program) Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi completed a mandatory internship at a company in East Java. The mandatory internship program indirectly introduces  PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi, as well as opens the opportunity for the juniors to do a similar internship.
The two students are Shavira Arsy and Nurul Febriani Kholifah. Both have done their internship at a hydropower plant (PLTA) in Paiton, Probolinggo, East Java. In the Faculty of Public Health, they study K3 (Occupational Health and Safety). Shavira completed a mandatory internship at Paiton on Friday, March 23.
“Being the first batch of students PSDKU UNAIR is not easy. All the existing limitations will certainly lead us to become stronger people, “said Shavira who is Second Ambassador of Jebeng Banyuwangi in 2015.
Because of the limitations that exist, Shavira is required to have strong wings to fly, providing the best example for her juniors at PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi.
“Hopefully I can give an example for my juniors, open the way for them to fly easier, farther, and higher than me,” she explained.
Endang Dwiyanti, Dra., M.Kes lecturer of K3 as well as compulsory internship coordinator of Public Health for 2004-2016 period said that the internship activities become one of learning media for students to get to know the professional world. Internship also provide opportunities for students to introduce the quality of UNAIR graduates to companies and government agencies, as well as expand job opportunities.
“Many do not know that there is an interest in K3 in Public Health study program. With this internship we can introduce it, “said Endang.
Meanwhile, other students, Faris Mohammad and Sigit Hendriawan, other K3 students choose a mandatory internship at PT Mandiri Inti Perkasa (MIP) Tarakan City of North Kalimantan to gain more experience.
Faris admitted, he deliberately chose an internship with far from his hometown so he could gain more experience.
“I learn a lot of new things here. PT MIP is one of big and bonafide companies in North Kalimantan, the K3 system is already advanced, “said Faris who will do internship for three months.
Public Health Study Program FKM UNAIR has 8 study specialization. They are PKIP (Health Promotion and Study of Citizenship), Occupational Health and Safety (OSH), AKK (Administration and Health Policy), Epidemiology, Reproductive Health, Nutrition, Biostatistics, and Environmental Health.
In 2017, FKM UNAIR opened 2 specializations for 6 semester students of UNAIR PSDKU (Off Main Campus Study Program) in Banyuwangi. The two specializations are K3 and Environmental Health. While in the year 2018, there are 3 specializations, namely K3, PKIP and Epidemiology. In PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi, specialization is opened once a year. (*)
Author: Siti Mufaida
Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh