UNAIR NEWS – As a manifestation of compassion for those in need and to strengthen ties, students of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH) PSDKU Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi carried out its annual community service activity. This activity is one of the efforts to uphold Higher Education Tri Dharma.
The activity was a form of dedication of veterinary students PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi to the surrounding community. The target of the activity was students of SMPLB Banyuwangi. For students of SMPLB, the activity was to educate them on social activities.
According to Bodhi Agustono, drh., as the person in charge of the activity, the activity is routinely done twice a year. The second community service will be held in the upcoming Ramadhan Month by involving all freshmen of class 2017. The objective according Bodhi, is to strengthen ties of all freshmen of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in 2017 to build team work in organizations.
“The activity should be done continuously to strengthen relationships with the community,” he said.
Meanwhile, representing the students, Winda Kusuma said that the activity was very useful as it raised students’ social awarness, the impact to SMPLB was also great. SMPLB, she added, also needed help because the government does not provide assistance to them so they get the contribution from the surrounding community. Winda also explained that the activity was expected to inspire the people around.
“Because students of SMPLB are outstanding students. We focused on SMPLB Banyuwangi because one continuous activity is better than seeking fame in the public, ” she said.
The activity was held at 14:00 pm at SMPLB Banyuwangi, started with registration of participants. It was an interesting activity with some performances both from the participants and from the students SMPLB Banyuwangi. In the event, participants also had the opportunity to exchange experiences with SMPLB students. Then, the activity was ended with basic commodity donation by students to the SMPLB and closed with prayer.
Author: Siti Abidah Alfirdausy (Veterinary Medicine Undergraduate Student)
Editor: Nuri Hermawan