Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Respect is the Key to Gender Problem

UNAIR NEWS – There are many issues of gender equality, both in the community and in academics. Not only about gender equality, but also violence against women, both verbally and visually.

Therefore, a forum is essential in providing education about female violence. Ministry of PSDM Student Executive Body (BEM), Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Airlangga (FISIP UNAIR), held a Women’s Gallery Discussion entitled “Women and Veil” on Thursday, May 23 at Taman Demokrasi FISIP UNAIR.

Coinciding with the month of Ramadan, the theme is suitable for discussion. Given many women are victims of violence. Not only those who don’t wear a veil, but veiled women cannot escape violence.

In this discussion, Elni Nainggolan as one of the presenters said that the issue is not only happened to women and men, but also to fellow women. Therefore, women and men are expected to respect each other without distinguishing each other.

“Respect is important and reduces the judging culture,” said the anthropology student.

Furthermore, the stigma of non-veiled women in Indonesia is looked down by society. People considered veiled women are better than the other.

According to Fatimah Azzahra as another speaker, that’s not all true, Islam requires women to close their genitals. For behavior, different things cannot be described only by veiling.

Not only that, Fatimah called the issue of women, whether veiled or not is the same. They still get violence or sexual abuse. It cannot be seen as merely a woman’s fault.

“It has been explained in the Qur’an that men should bows their head, then cover your body. So, before blaming women, men should also be aware, “said the veterinary student.

In the end, there must be no patriarchy. All parties must control each other’s ego and lust not to judge others. We recommend you to learn and understand the problem before you speak.

“Let women choose their freedom in with or without wearing a veil,” he said. (*)

Author: Asthesia Dhea C.

Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i