UNAIR NEWS – In millennial era, students are required to have many ideas. Not only those related to the field of study, but also other exciting ideas such as business ideas. Nowadays, Â students are also active in business activities.
It was utilized and honed by Department of Creative Economy (Ecraf) Student Family (KM) Off Main Campus Study Program (PSDKU) Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi through business planning competition. In 2019, the third year of Business Plan Competition (BPC), the annual Ekraf KM PSDKU competition held online entirely, which the main attraction for students.
Interviewed by UNAIR NEWS after the winner announcement on May 30, Dea Risti Hariyani as Head of BPC 2019 held national scale competition this year. Besides, there is the best poster winner as well as the evaluation of video presentation and video product advertisement of the participants.
“BPC theme is the Role of Indonesian Youth in Business World with Industrial Age 4.0, and students can attend its implementation for D3 / D4 / S1. This year, there are several participating institutions such as Universitas Telkom, Universitas Hasanuddin, Universitas Jember, Politeknik Negeri Jember, etc. “explained the 4th-semester student of Aquaculture study program.
Furthermore, Dea explained the purpose of BPC is a forum to accommodate student ideas in the business field as an agent of change. Meanwhile, the specific purpose of holding the business competition activities for gaining achievement, preparing the gold era of Indonesia in 2045, and introducing PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi. Â
The event also involved the participation of social media users, especially in the number of likes, and as of today, there are 866 followers on BPC’s official Instagram account. Besides, the first winner and best poster from BPC was a team from Jember State Polytechnic with a proposal entitled BAPAK KITA (Bank Sampah Untuk Kita). Â
“Hopefully, student ideas can be realized and play a role in the business world for the current industrial era,” Dea concluded.
Author: Tsania Ysnaini Mawardi
Editor: Nuri Hermawan