Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Synergy of UNAIR – AAOM – Pertamina University through International Conference

UNAIR NEWS – As a follow up to the MoU between Rector of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) and Rector of Pertamina University on July 15, 2017 and an agreement between Asia Academy of Management (AAOM) and UNAIR Vice Rector III and Pertamina University Vice Rector III on September 17 2018, Asia Academy of Management – Airlangga University Indonesia – University of Pertamina Indonesia is holding the Joint Committee of Conference Asia Academy of Management – AAOM 2019.

Being held at Patra Hotel Bali on June 19-21, 2019, the activity will be held in the form of an international conference. T. Aria Auliandri as chairman of the committee from the Management Department, Faculty of Business Economics, Universitas Airlangga, said that the activity was attended by 667 participants from 27 countries in Asia, Europe, and America. There are 47 presenters from Indonesia, and six presenters were from UNAIR.

On the first day, Wednesday, June 19, 2019, the conference will start with AAOM 2019 Parallel Workshops. The activity, explained Aria, will be held in the form of seven workshops divided into seven rooms. On the second day, June 20, the main session will be held.

“Later on, there will be an opening and a keynote speech: The Spirit of Craftsmanship by Jason D. Shaw from the Nanyang Technological University,” said Aria.

Then, explained Aria, the activity will continue with Deans Plenary Session, which will review the Future of Business Schools by Mike Peng from the University of Texas at Dallas. After the activity, it will continue with the Parallel Sessions until it is closed with a Gala Dinner by the university leadership.

On Friday, June 21, continued Aria, the activity will be continued with AOM Presidential Speech by Ajai Gaur from Rutgers University. There was also a discussion about the Asian Context, Global Problems: The Opportunities and Challenges for Asian Management Scholars delivered by Mike Peng from the University of Texas at Dallas and David Ahlstrom from The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

“The program will also be followed by a parallel discussion and the next day all participants will do various outdoor events,” he stated,

For additional information, AAOM activities were previously carried out in 1998 in Hong Kong, 2000 in Singapore, 2002 in Bangkok, 2004 in Shanghai, 2006 in Tokyo, 2008 in Taipei, 2010 in Macau, 2012 in Seoul, 2015 in Hong Kong, 2017 in Kitakyushu.

Regarding AAOM 2019 participants, there are 249 participants from 26 countries: Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Australia, Indonesia, USA, Singapore, South Korea, Netherlands, Japan, United Kingdom, India, Canada, Denmark Pakistan, New Zealand, UAE, Bangladesh , France, Malaysia, Thailand, Israel, Norway, Philippines, Scotland, Switzerland, Vietnam.

Author: Nuri Hermawan