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FST UNAIR Student Innovations Win 6 Medals in Thailand

Six UNAIR FST students with their supervisor Dr. Rimulyo Hendardi (center) after receiving an award at Malaysia-Indonesia-Thailand on Innovative & Creativity Symposium 2019. (Photo: Private Collection)

UNAIR NEWS – Six students of Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) has won six medals in Malaysia-Indonesia-Thailand on Innovative & Creativity Symposium 2019 (iMIT SIC 2019). The international technology-based competition took place at Princess of Naradhiwas University, Thailand, on June 16-18, 2019.

In Thailand, UNAIR delegation has won six medals, one gold medal, four silver medals, and one bronze medal.

Affandy Fahrizain won a silver medal with his innovation entitled Agri Tech: Agriculture Marketing for Millennial Farmers in Indonesia Based on Android. Bidayatul Mas’ulah won a silver medal with an innovation entitled Go-Clever (Cleaning River) Application Based on Expert System (ES) as A Determination of The River Water Quality Using Visual Basic 6.0.

Difa Fanani Ismayanto received a gold medal with an innovation entitled Medical Device Innovation by Integrating Electrocardiograph, Expert System, and Visual Analogue Scale for Detection of Acute Myocardial Infarction. Zilvana Nurul Izza got a bronze medal with innovation titled Utilization of Turmeric as an Alternative Cancer Prevention through Kuper Candy (Kunyit Penghilang Resahmu).

Muhammad Fajar Faliasthiunus Pradipta won a silver medal with innovation entitled EYE-SEER (Eco-Friendly Speedbump Energy Resource. Muhamad Rizaldi B. Nuryasin got a silver medal with innovation entitled (SATE) Smart Magnetic Fishing Boat: Innovation Fishing boat efficient, low-cost, and environmentally friendly.

Regarding this achievement, Vice Dean I FST UNAIR Dr. Hartati Dra., M.Si. said that it was the first event followed by FST UNAIR and all the six delegates won medals.

iMIT SIC has been held for the third time this year. Before leaving for the competition to Thailand, Hartati continued, students were going through a selection. Six were selected and supervised by FST UNAIR lecturer and Head of Information System Program Dr. Rimulyo Hendardi for the competition.

“The selection was opened for students who have participated in 2018 PIMNAS and several students from each S1 program whose PKM projects funded by Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, or students with excellent research to participate in international level activities, “explained Hartati.

This program involves activities from various fields or studies such as science, technology and engineering; social science and humanities; and business and management. “We hope that in the future UNAIR will join as a partner. We will also convey the continuation plan to Directorate of Student Affairs, ” she explained. (*)

Author: Binti Q. Masruroh