Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Hotel Kampi Invites UNAIR Students in Hospitality Industry Career

UNAIR NEWS – Career and Entrepreneurship Development Center (PPKK) Universitas Airlangga held a joint training with Hotel Kampi on Tuesday, June 18 at Student Center Hall of Student Activity Unit (UKM) Campus C UNAIR. The training discussed career paths of hospitality industry entitled Career Path in hotel Industry.

Zesardinata S.Hum as Human Resources (HR) Officer at Hotel Kampi said that he was a graduate of English Literature Study Program then he began his career path by entering the hospitality industry. However, he started his career from training to a daily worker before.

The training was attended by D3 student students. UNAIR tour hypnotized the audience. Moreover, Zesardinata explained to students about career plans and tips on entering the hospitality industry.

“If we can develop skills and experience, we will build an outstanding achievement. Many waiters have gotten their career paths to become superiors in the hospitality industry. ”  

There are many challenges, namely working conditions, working hours, and work relocation. By having good behavior, people will trust us. Peru is known in hospitality services;  it takes communication, good attitude, and patience in all sectors of the hospitality industry.

In the end, Hotel Kampi provided an opportunity for students to register themselves as interns at Kampi hotel. For UNAIR students who want to have a career in hospitality, they can do an internship in there.

Author: Alicia Juanita

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia