UNAIR NEWS – 60th Thematic KKN-BBM (Community Service) with Tambong Village Government held a journalistic training on Wednesday, July 10. The activity was attended by youth clubs from three hamlets of Tambong Village (Krajan, Kejoyo, and Kebonsari) of 25 people.
So, what is the opinion of journalistic training participants in Tambong Village? Do these activities bring benefits to them? UNAIR NEWS has summarized the opinions of several journalistic participants regarding this matter.
Siswanto, karang taruna Dusun Krajan
“This journalistic training inspired me to write. I also like to write, so this event encourages me to write more, especially news.”
Dwi Ajeng Tyas Sari, karang taruna Dusun Krajan
“Personally, I get a lot of knowledge about writing from this journalistic training. Besides, I began to understand that everything we see in front of our eyes can be used as a paper. Because human memory is not always reliable, the best way is to write it. “
Rony Aufa, karang taruna Dusun Kebonsari
“With this activity, I get a new experience of writing. The most important thing is the branding of Tambong Village can be done by writing positive things. Moreover, the role of youth is needed. Also, from this activity (Journalistic training, ed), I can meet other friends from a different area. “
Nia Lutfi Sari, karang hustaruna Dusun Kejoyo
“Writing is not something that should be avoided; that’s what I got from this journalistic training. In my opinion, the target is also very appropriate, namely for youth organization member. Thus, they can write, both news, biographical writing, and the potential that exists in this village. “
Author: Dian Putri Apriliani
Editor: Nuri Hermawan