Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UNAIR Banyuwangi Students Create BAR for UMKM Financial Solution

UNAIR NEWS – Speaking of Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM), there is still a lot of homework to be done, especially in the process of managing finances. For this reason, PSDKU Universitas Airlangga students at UMKM Banyuwangi launched BAR or Banyuwangi Accounting Retailer. BAR is an application that can be used as a solution for financial management patterns for UMKM in Banyuwangi.

“BAR was created because of the problems of MSMEs that are difficult to develop due to financial uncertainty, to make their financial statements difficult, and if recorded manually with paper is usually unclear,” said Ahmad Rido’I Yuda Prayogi, one of BAR application team representatives.

The process of forming the application begins with observation and analysis of the environmental conditions of several retailers in Banyuwangi. It was done by taking samples in 3 regions with ten retailers each to be interviewed related to financial problems. After that, the team held a workshop and interpretation of the results associated with existing issues, potential, and program innovations.

“After they have the idea of making this application, continued the creation of content and application design, conducted trials on ten stores that are familiar with the technology. Then the introduction to the Banyuwangi UKM, which is shaded by an association called AKRAB, registration is held to get a username and password to log in, “explained the 2017 FKM student.

The student who is familiarly called Yuda also explained that the application market opportunity in Banyuwangi was not yet available. But nationally, there are state banks that have similar applications by having to borrow capital from banks first. Meanwhile, the use of the BAR application is free and has many advantages.

“The content is more accessible for middle-to-lower retailers to understand, having room chat and video tutorial features about how to use and market UKM products. Room chat to control the price of goods, where retailers will use the container to share information about the latest prices that will affect the sale of the product itself, “he continued.

In the end, Yuda also said that the application was used to easily create financial reports that would be used by retailers who incidentally did not have sufficient knowledge in making useful financial reports. The output is daily financial reports, which can later serve as financial transparency needed by the work partners.

“In the future, this application can improve the ability of the community to make financial reports more transparent,” he concluded (*)

Author: Athiya Adibatul Wasi

Editor: Nuri Hermawan