Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Implementing Tri Dharma of Higher Education, Accounting Freshmen Hold Community Service

UNAIR NEWS – It has become a culture of new students of Accounting Study Program Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi, to carry out community service as the implementation of Tri Dharma of Higher Education. The activity is a series of Accounting Zone Orientation Forum (FORZA), which is a work program of Department of Student Resource Development, UNAIR Banyuwangi Accounting Student Association.

Prioritizing the aspect of sustainability, the new class of 2019 students conducted community service at Macan Putih Village, Kabat District on Saturday, October 26, and was attended by Banyuwangi Regency Environmental Office (DLH).

Muhammad Dzakwan Ihza Mahendra as Head Executive of the community service activities explained the event theme was community empowerment in waste processing innovation. To achieve the objectives of the theme, the committee also collaborated with DLH Banyuwangi.

“For the theme of our community service is waste management innovation, and we are targeting PKK women as the target of our activities. We collaborated with relevant agencies, namely Environmental Services Office of Banyuwangi Regency, “explained the student who is familiarly called Dzakwan.

In the event, there were four representatives of Banyuwangi Regency DLH. They explained waste management, SIBAS (Trash Bank Information System), and continued with the practice of processing inorganic waste into handicrafts and other valuables, and organic waste into compost. There was a craft-making activity, and finally the event was closed with a group photo activity.

“Our activities started with the material that explained by representatives of the Banyuwangi DLH, and then several groups were formed in craft-making activity from inorganic waste also closed with a group photo session, “concluded Dzakwan. (*)

Author: Dian Pratama

Editor: Nuri Hermawan