Universitas Airlangga Official Website

In this Inauguration event, FKH UNAIR has the most veterinarians number in its history

UNAIR NEWS – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH) of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held the inauguration ceremony and oath-taking. The event held at Airlangga Convention Center (ACC) UNAIR Campus C on Thursday, December 12. A total of 204 veterinarians were confirmed and sworn in the 163rd inauguration ceremony and oath-taking.

Dean of FKH UNAIR Prof. Dr. Pudji Srianto, drh., M. Kes. said this period of the inauguration ceremony and oath-taking has the most number of new vets in its history of FKH UNAIR.

“This inauguration ceremony and oath-taking have most participants during the establishment of FKH UNAIR since 1976. There were 204 veterinarians appointed this morning,” said Prof. Pudji

The inauguration ceremony was also attended by Vice-Rector IV Prof. Junaidi Khotib, S.Si, Apt., M. Kes., Ph.D. He advised the veterinarians to uphold veterinary profession ethics, and continue to maintain the reputation of university alma mater.

“For vets, all of you have to uphold veterinary profession ethics. You have to be the agent of change in society and maintain UNAIR alma mater, “said Prof. Junaidi

Drh. Muhammad Munawarah, M.M as Head of Indonesian Veterinary Association (PDHI) also attended in this event. In his remarks, Munawar advised the veterinarians to use the knowledge they had obtained during their time in university.

“Our nation needs all of you, use your knowledge wisely,” said Munawar. (*)

Author : Sugeng Andrean

Editor: Binti Q Masruroh