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dr. Miftah encourages postgraduate students to improve research quality

Head of UNAIR Scientific Journal and Publication Development Center (PPJPI) dr. M. Miftahussurur, M. Kes., Sp.PD, Ph.D., delivers his remarks, "Scientific Publications in Reputable International Journals in Postgraduate Education". (Photo: M. Ali Fauzan)

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga continues to improve its research quality and quantity. Beside encouraging the role of lecturers and researchers, UNAIR also encourages postgraduate students to actively conduct and produce quality research.

For that reason, in the Inauguration of New Student for Doctoral, Master’s, Specialist and Professional Programs on Thursday, January 23, Head of UNAIR Scientific Journal and Publication Development Center (PPJPI) dr. M. Miftahussurur, M. Kes., Sp.PD, Ph.D., presented an oration entitled “Scientific Publications in Reputable International Journals in Postgraduate Education”.

In the presentation, dr. Miftah, presented some achievements in the field of research that have been published in international journals. According to him, in the last four years, the quantity of research published in international journals increased significantly.

“More than 1700 journal papers have been published. This is an extraordinary breakthrough, “he said. “It can happen because we are both focused on the predetermined targets,” he said.

Furthermore, dr. Miftah also mentioned the participation of postgraduate students in supporting the quality and quantity of international scientific journal publications. He even said to support this matter, Rector’s regulation regarding graduation requirements for postgraduate students has been made.

“In Universitas Airlangga Rector’s Regulation Number 2 of 2017, scientific publications to reputable international journals are one of the pre-graduation requirements. Therefore, accurate strategy is needed for publication of scientific works, “he said.

dr. Miftah also said that there are many ways and strategies provided by the campus. One of them through the PPJPI organization he leads. According to him, the existence of PPJPI has become one of the institutions that has consistently supported the improvement of quality and quantity of research results by lecturers, researchers, and UNAIR students.

“And one of the most important things from output of the research is readability and citation,” he said. “Because, the number of journal citations that we produce, is one of the main indicators to see how important and influential the journals that we produce are,” he concluded.

Author: Nuri Hermawan