Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UNAIR Banyuwangi student studying women’s health at Mojopanggung health center

PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi student after learning about women's health. (Photo: Courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Women’s reproductive health problems are not something that can be considered insignificant. Many Indonesian women still suffer from reproductive health problems. Departing from this background, PKK RW VI Permata Giri Housing Environment with Mojopanggung Health Center held health socialization about leucorrhoea and early prevention of the accompanying diseases. Moreover, 15 FKM PSDKU Universitas Airlangga students in Banyuwangi were also invited in the event.

Health Socialization activity was held on February 3, 2020, in Permata Giri Housing Environment. The event was filled directly by Midwife of Mojopanggung Puskesmas. The purpose of this activity is to provide reproduction knowledge on both teenagers and mothers related to the prevention of vaginal discharge, cervical cancer, breast cancer.

Interviewed by UNAIR NEWS, Evy Tri Pratiwi, one of the participants of the socialization activity explained that the event consisted of socialization activities and hands-on practice using mannequins regarding vaginal discharge, cervical cancer, and breast cancer. In these activities, there was an explanation about the prevention of cervical cancer and breast cancer.

“The socialization are vaginal discharge, cervical cancer and breast cancer and its prevention. For early cervical cancer, you can check IVA (Acetic Acid Visual Inspection) at the local health center. For breast cancer, you can do a breast self-examination ”explained Evy, her nickname.

Furthermore, she explained that these activities have many benefits, especially for prevention and early detection of cervical cancer and breast cancer.

“The benefits are prevention and procedure also the right time for early detection for cervical cancer, breast cancer and vaginal discharge. We can also practice BSE method at home.  Specifically for women over the age of 30 years who have had sex can immediately detect IVA at the nearest health center,” he said.

Evy hopes that health socialization activities regarding leucorrhoea and early prevention of diseases can be carried out in every region in Banyuwangi Regency. According to her, there are still many people who only know the theory, but have not been able to practice it well.

“Hopefully, these activities can continue to be carried out in various regions in Banyuwangi Regency, because some people only know the theory, “she concluded. (*)

Author: Nadiyah Rahmasari

Editor: Nuri Hermawan