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Advanced Excel Training improves skills of UNAIR Banyuwangi students

Advanced Excel Training activity at Sobo PSDKU Banyuwangi Campus. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Excel is an easy-to-use software for analyzing data. However, there are still many students who do not understand how Excel works. In this regard, the Research Group for Health & Well-being of Women & Children in collaboration with the Association of Indonesian Public Health Experts (IAKMI) Banyuwangi Branch Management held an Advanced Excel Training (Oneday Workshop).

Being held in the Sobo Campus Meeting Room on Friday, February 14, FKM PSDKU Banyuwangi Lecturer Susy Katikana Sebayang, SP., M.Sc., Ph.D, explained that the activity was very beneficial for students. According to him, excel skills are basic skills that can be used in professional work, not only in the academic world.

“When students have worked and work with data, at least students understand to analyze it using Excel. Because Excel will always help them to do a basic analysis at work later, “said Susy.

The purpose of Advanced Excel Training (One Day Workshop), she continued, was to improve students’ skill in using Excel. Students will also find it easier to work on lecture and thesis assignments later.

“The goal is for students to understand and be able to use Excel as optimally as possible. Even though not all excel functions will be taught, but at least the basic functions which will often be used during lectures or during thesis, ” she continued.

The method in this activity, added Susy, used the practicum method, where students will immediately practice from the presented material. Furthermore, the material is also a basic formula and is often used in daily life, especially in the field of Public Health such as, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. In addition, it also teaches about averages, standard deviations and easy ways to make graphs.

“So we started from the basic material on how tables and databases are made. Furthermore, what will be very useful from this training is how to make a pivot table from a simple table into a better table in an easy way and with easier calculations, “explained Susy as the chief executive of Advanced Excel Training (One Day Workshop).

Susy also hoped that after these activity students could be better at doing their assignments. Moreover, if there are other skills needed by students, such as Microsoft Word use training, then it can be used as an additional exercise so that students can make an easier form of document design for thesis.

“After this activity, we will see how students respond in making their assignments. For example, there are other skills that are needed to help students in their thesis work or when working, such as the ability to use Words optimally and easily, so they can do additional exercises, “concluded Susy. (*)

Author: Nadiyah Rahmasari

Editor: Nuri Hermawan