Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UNAIR Medical student in Top 5 of Rotary’s Literacy Exchange and Scholarship Program to Malaysia

Hanif Maulana Ibrahim (front row, second from the right) with Rotary exchange and literacy delegation in Malaysia. (Photo: Personal documentation)

UNAIR NEWS – Hanif Maulana Ibrahim, class 2019 student of UNAIR Faculty of Medicine student had the opportunity to represent Indonesia to take part in the Literacy Visit and Fellowship Program or Rotary Literacy Exchange and Scholarship Program to Malaysia. He was chosen as one of five participants who had participated in the Rotaract and Rotary Surabaya collaboration program.

The program, “Rotary Connects the World-Literacy Visit and Fellowship Program to Malaysia”, was opened to develop young people’s literacy skills. The program was held in Malaysia from January 29 to February 2, 2020.

Hanif, shared his story struggling for the program. Previously, he had to make an essay about literacy.

“Initially, from the many participants selected essays. In Indonesia there were 20 participants. Then the interview selected 5 people only. Then 5 delegates left were leaving for Malaysia, “said the Surabaya native.

Once in Malaysia, Hanif was required to present his essay at Petronas University of Technology (UTP) and Taylor University. His essay was about the problems, challenges and solutions of the low level of literacy of Indonesian people.

“Literacy which consists of reading and writing is the basic capital of a human’s critical and thinking power,” said Hanif.

Hanif prepared many things before presenting the essay before the jury and other participants. According to him the presentation developed his speaking skill in English. He did a lot of speaking practice to avoid nervousness during his essay presentation.

There is valuable experience for Hanif on tolerance. He met a lot of people from various backgrounds. “It is rare in Indonesia, especially when we associate with other countries, “he said.

In Malaysia, Hanif explored UTP, a university ranked in Top 100 worldwide. He gained great insight about science. He was encouraged to develop literacy in Indonesia. He hoped that UNAIR would also be able to compete at the international arena.

Hanif hoped that this program can pave the way for himself and his friends to contribute as much as possible to the nation. (*)

Author: R. Dimar Herfano Akbar

Editor: Binti Q Masruroh