Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Agreeing demand, Banyuwangi Regional Secretary conveys transparency of investment plans on Tabuhan Island

The hearing KM PSDKU Banyuwangi with the Banyuwangi Regional Government. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – After putting forward their demands and stand to the Regional Government of Banyuwangi Regency regarding the entry of foreign investors ( Paragon Group Singapore ) to lease Tabuhan Island at the first hearing last month, UNAIR PSDKU Banyuwangi Student Family held a second hearing to hear the transparency of the plan and also the approval of the program launched by KM.

The hearing which was held at the beginning of March in the Regional Secretary Office of the Banyuwangi Regional Government was attended by 8 students. It was started with the reading of the Open Letter from KM, the hearing lasted for almost 2 hours. In the meeting, the local government’s approval of the FGD program offered by KM to unravel the friction and distortion of information that is happening was presented. There was also presentation of Paragon Group’s investment plan to the island of Tabuhan which caused many conflicts.

Representing the regional government of Banyuwangi Suyanto explained, that the process of the Paragon Group’s investment in Tabuhan Island is still in MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) stage or an agreement that can still be canceled at any time. It is still considering the circumstances and aspirations from the people.

“The process is still in the MoU stage, which can be canceled any time if friction and rejection of the community continue to occur and do not reach a compromise point because they still have to go through many processes such as the issuance of AMDAL, IMB and many more,” said Suyanto.

The regional government is studying the aspirations of the people who demand seven important points that must be included in the agreement document if this investment really happened. Regarding the leased area, the regional government explained that it would not touch the area that fishermen used to rest such as from bad weather so they could continue their activities there.

“Areas that are normally used by fishermen to rest or spend their breaks and bad weather are not included in the leased area, so fishermen can continue their activities as usual,” said Suyanto.

Closing the hearing, Regional Secretary of Banyuwangi Mujiono said that he was happy to approve the FGD program offered by KM to mediate the conflict between the Regional Government and the affected communities. He also felt grateful that he could straighten up the information circulating currently.

“We are happy to support all good intentions to improve the conduciveness of the situation and to correct the current confusion of information, including this FGD,” he explained. “With a note, it must be consulted with us so mistakes which can worsen the situation do not occur,” he concluded.

Author: Ivan Syahrial Abidin
Editor: Nuri Hermawan