Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Key to PSBB success, role of government and society

PSBB illustration. (Source: medcom.id)

UNAIR NEWS – Continuing the previous article about IKA FKM’s recommendation on PSBB policy in Greater Surabaya, the recommendation is also directed at policy maker and inter-professional synergy . The continuation of the recommendations are as follows.

Applying 3T + D principle

The key to successful implementation of Large-Scale Social Distancing / PSBB, is also with 3T + D key principle, namely Trust , community trust in the government; Tracing and treatment, strengthening tracking, especially around the area of confirmed case and mass screening, as well as appropriate treatment, especially non-clinical aspects in the form of sanctions for those who break the regulation; Team , Control Team / Task Force, which is related to the mechanism of planning, coordination, communication and information; and DISCIPLINE community: stay at home, keep the safe distance, maintain positive thinking, remember to put on masks, obey procedures and protocols, protect self, family and other people, remember to wash hands often, remind others to stay discipline.

Massive dissemination and discipline enforcement

One of the biggest challenges of implementing PSBB is low community discipline. Based on survey data of community obedience behavior study on putting on masks and social distancing in the prevention of Covid-19 in Surabaya, conducted by Balitbang (R&D Board) of East Java Province, shows that the level of community compliance using masks is very low at 10.8 per cent and the level of community compliance applies social distancing recommendations is 25.45 per cent.

“The results of this survey are in line with a survey conducted by the Research and Development Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia,” said Estiningtyas as Head of IKA FKM UNAIR.

There is no other way except doing more massive socialization and discipline enforcement from the government and non-governmental organizations, supported by government by setting up a social (economic) safety net for the affected people carefully and thoroughly.

Health system evaluation

The current Covid-19 pandemic situation is a good moment to evaluate the health system in Indonesia. The Covid-19 pandemic shows how weak the health system is in Indonesia. The civilization of the health system needs to be revitalized, by structuring, controlling and managing better.

Synergy of professional organization

Professional organizations must work together in handling Covid-19 because Covid-19 problem cannot be solved by just one sector. Referring to the spectrum of health efforts (Prof. Ascobat Gani, 2003), the non-natural disaster management efforts of Covid-19 can be tracked from the upstream side ( Public Health ), through community organizing efforts, up to downstream in the efforts of medical clinical services in healthcare facilities.

Every individual and community can contribute in Covid-19 handling. For example through education, empowerment and law enforcement activities, and the application of the Large Scale Social Distancing (PSBB) policy regulations.

“As a person is a family member; neighborhood, community, village and so on, including the profession and the OP, ” she concluded.

Author: Ulfah Mu’amarotul Hikmah

Editor: Binti Q Masruroh