Universitas Airlangga Official Website

President Director of PT JES donates Smart-Campus based tools in UNAIR UTBK implementation

The President Director of PT JES donated a digital temperature sensor gate placed at the entrance of FEB UNAIR as a form of support for 2020 UTBK implementation. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – The role of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) alumni in providing assistance to our beloved alma mater is essential. In July 2020, for example, PT Jatim Energy Services (JES) President Director Eka Winardi, MM supported the implementation of the Computer-Based Entrance Test (UTBK) at Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UNAIR.

Since 2019, SBMPTN has used a new test method, UTBK. Amid COVID-19 pandemic, UNAIR was required to continue UTBK with applying the health protocols.

Dr. Gancar as the Coordinator of Master of Management Program explained that the protocol implemented by FEB UNAIR was in accordance with the protocol promoted by Rector of UNAIR. FEB also provides hand washing and hand sanitizer in several strategic places.

“Furthermore, FEB applies temperature measurements, requires masks and face shields, and gloves,” he added.

Seeing the preparation of UTBK, Eka Winardi, the President Director of PT JES, was moved to support the implementation of UTBK at UNAIR. The donation given by the Alumni of Master of Management FEB UNAIR was in forms of PT JES products.

“Fortunately some of the products by PT JES are relevant (to be used in the implementation of UTBK amid pandemic, ed),” said Dr. Gancar

Dr Gancar explained that the donation given by PT JES was in the form of two units of equipments installed in the FEB UNAIR environment. The equipment is in the form of a digital temperature sensor door unit and a solar outdoor charging station unit.

“The temperature sensor door is only used during UTBK, while the charging station is donated to FEB UNAIR as an Eco-friendly Smart-Campus ,” he explained.

Furthermore, Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., M.Si., Ak as Dean of FEB UNAIR expressed her gratitude for the support of alumni in various activities at FEB UNAIR. Alumni supports in various forms have always been expected.

“Hopefully more and more alumni will be inspired to support the educational process at UNAIR. In this independent campus era, it is also hoped that alumni can help with UNAIR student internship process, “he said. (*)

Author: Sandi Prabowo

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia