Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Pondok Nongko Community Service Program invites residents to revive tourism

The reactivation and reconciliation activity at Kedung Derus

UNAIR NEWS – Covid-19 Pandemic affects almost every sector, including tourism sector. One of the affected in Banyuwangi is Kedung Derus Beach, Pondok Nongko Village. It has become the focus of Group 135 of 62nd Community Service Program Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), in Pondok Nongko Village, Kabat Sub-district, Banyuwangi.

On Sunday, July 19, 2020, the group held an event, Tourism Reactivation and Reconciliation Activity on Kedung Derus Beach, Pondok Nongko Village. It was done to revive and improve Kedung Deres Beach which is affected by Covid-19 Pandemic.

To UNAIR NEWS, Arjun Mahendra as the person in charge of tourism program, explained that the purpose of the event is to foster the spirit of residents to be more aware on the importance of protecting the environment and developing the tourism potential.

“This beach has great potential for photo spot, biodiversity of species or conservation areas, mangrove tour, and there will be plans for turtle breeding,” explained the student called Arjun.

The reconciliation activity aims to increase investor interest in investing in the development of Kedung Deres Beach. With investors, it can attract domestic and foreign tourists to Kedung Deres Beach.

“This activity is aimed to increase investor interest in investing in this beach. In addition, Kedung Deres Beach can be used as a new tourism icon in Banyuwangi and it can increase the income of people around the coast by opening small businesses to support the needs of tourists, “he continued.

The Reactivation and Reconciliation activities were attended by Pondok Nongko Village officials, Tourism Awareness Group (POKDARWIS), Monitoring Community Group (POKMASWAS), Fishermen Group, and village community. The activity began with dissemination from the Department of Tourism, beach cleaning, and reforestation in the coastal area.

This event is expected to make the community more independent in the implementation of further programs. The community will also be aware of the importance of protecting the surrounding environment and take advantage of the existing tourism potential.

“With this activity, hopefully the community can be independent in implementing its sustainability program and aware of the importance of maintaining environments around the tourism area. Besides, it can also utilize the existing tourism potential and manage it well, “he concluded. (*)

Author: Nadiyah Rahmasari