UNAIR NEWS – The Work From Home (WFH) policy and the implementation of Large-Scale Social Distancing (PSBB) applied in a number of regions in Indonesia have caused patterns of consumption behavior in the community to change.
Lecturer in Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) Dr. Wisnu Wibowo said that the changed the pattern of consumption behavior when people are at home give great opportunities to online market in various platforms.
In addition, there is also a shift in choosing the type of consumption goods. There is an increase of demands for items suitable for the community staying at home and do not require direct contact.
“For example, frozen food items’ demand have increased. And now lots of food are ordered through Gofood and Grab food, it increases. Demand for food packaging also increases so that it can meet the hygienic aspects. Standards of consumption of food or beverage goods that have high health standards will be a trend there, “he said on Monday, July 6, 2020.
There are also patterns of herbal products consumption to maintain stamina, including multi vitamin products and other supplements.
Furthermore, in the field of services, especially in the field of education and training, webinars or online seminars is increasing rapidly. Business and entrepreneurship training, financial management, and training of other business activities are conducted online.
“And for example the increase in demand for sports-related activities, for example the bicycle sales also increased. So, everything that people need to fill their time (hobbies) during social distancing and during new normal increases. Also, those related to efforts to improve endurance, or healthy exercise, “said the lecturer focused on macroeconomic field.
According to him, with more time at home, works are done inbetween other activities that lead to old habit or routine. (*)
Author: Asthesia Dhea Cantika
Editor   : Binti Q. Masruroh