Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Students create guidelines to prevent Covid-19 in Madurese for Village of Banangkah

Educational video production by Banangkah Village KKN Team. (Photo: Personal doc)
Educational video production by Banangkah Village KKN Team. (Photo: Personal doc)

UNAIR NEWS – One of the Community Service Program – Learning with Community (KKN-BBM) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) has successfully conducted a community service program in Morkonah hamlet, Banangkah Village, Burneh Sub-district, Bangkalan Regency, Madura. The area was chosen because the people are still quite left behind and must be empowered.

To overcome this, a group of eight students conducted several program from July 11 to July 24, 2020.

Inas Hanifah, a member of Banangkah Village Community Service Program explained that most of the community work as farmers. Furthermore, the location of the area is very remote leading to difficult access.

“Education and information about Covid-19 here is still lacking, and therefore we build a media of information about Covid-19,” explained Inas Sunday, July 26, 2020.

The information media was chosen to be a main program because it was also useful to eradicate hoaxes and reduce the spread of hoaxes during a pandemic. That is because ordinary people are very vulnerable to false information, given the rapid spread of information.

With the friendly and accurate Covid-19 information media, the public is expected to be assisted more to find Covid-19 information. Moreover, in the content, Inas and her friends use language that is easy to understand.

“The information media that we created are in Madurese, so it will be easier for the public to understand. We make Madurese posters, Madurese videos, and direct outreach, ” she explained.

Inas continued, all this time, national information media use Indonesian and it is feared that there is a lack of understanding. So, the KKN group in Banangkah village came by providing a solution for the digital information media in Madurese.

When the Community Service Program was underway, it was found out that Inas and her group had collaborated with village officials and the locals. It was done to provide a persuasive approach related to healthy living and educate the community well.

In addition to bringing education programs to the community, the Banangkah Village Community Service group held a virtual coloring contest for children and provided a tutorial video for making Kuserhe wedang. “When compiling a program, we intervene the cause of the problem, and not just look at the problem. That way, the program will be right on target and efficient, ” she said.

“We are very grateful to all those who have helped and supported our program. Hopefully in the future there will be an opportunity to return and empower the village of Banangkah to be even better, ” she concluded. (*)

Author: Muhammad Wildan Suyuti

Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i